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Now downloading free:Grundig Livance LC 1150 [GMI8500]

Grundig Livance LC 1150 [GMI8500] free download

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File name:vhs-c_camcorder_©_.part1.rar
[preview Livance LC 1150 [GMI8500]]
Size:3000 kB
Model:Livance LC 1150 [GMI8500] 🔎
Original:720105408100 🔎
Descr:Service Manual Camcorder Live Cam 4 Head VHS/C - Part 1/2 pag. 46
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video cameras
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LIVE CAM Service Manual Livance LC 1150 GMI8500 Grundig Service Hotline Deutschland... ...Mo.-Fr. 8.00-18.00 Uhr Technik: Zusätzlich erforderliche Unterlagen für den Komplettservice Additionally required Service Documents for the Complete Service Service Manual Sicherheit Safety Materialnr./Part No. 720108000000 TV TV SAT VCR/LiveCam HiFi/Audio Car Audio Telekommunikation Fax: 0180/52318-41 0180/52318-49 0180/52318-48 0180/52318-42 0180/52318-43 0180/52318-44 0180/52318-45 0180/52318-51 Planatron (8.00-22.00 Uhr) 0180/52318-99 Ersatzteil-Verkauf: ...Mo.-Fr. 8.00-19.00 Uhr Telefon: Fax: 0180/52318-40 0180/52318-50 Materialnummer/Part Number 7201005408100 Änderungen vorbehalten/Subject to alteration · Printed in Germany E-BS-SA14 0601 CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. INTRODUCTION1 1.2. INTRODUCTION2 1.3. FEAT URE COMPARISON CHART 2 SERVICE CAUTION 2.1. EEPROM DATA FOR SPAR E PART S OF THE MAIN C.B.A. 2.2. SERVICE EXTENSION CABLES. 2.3. SET-UP FOR ADJUSTMENT OF TATS UJIN. 3 SERVICE INFORMATION 3.1. SERVICE INFORMATI ON DISPLAY (GENERAL DESCRIPTION) 3.2. SERVICE MODE 3 (ERROR CODE DISPLAY) 3.3. INSERTING THE BUTTON-TYPE BATT ERY 4 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES 4.1. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES 4.2. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES OF LENS UNIT 5 ABBREVIATIONS 6 WAVE FORM TABLE 7 BLOCK DIAGRAMS 7.1. OVERALL BLOCK DIAGRAM 7.2. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONNECTION 7.3. SYSTEM CONTROL& SERVO/ POWER BLOCK DIAGRAM 7.4. VIDEO BLOCK DIAGRAM 7.5. MONITOR BLOCK DIAGRAM 7.6. CAMERA BLOCK DIAGRAM 8 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS 8.1. LENS DRIVE SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.2. CAMERA 1 SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.3. CAMERA 2 SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.4. VIDEO SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 16 18 18 19 21 21 22 23 25 6 6 7 8 8 11 12 14 15 15 15 4 4 5 6 3 3 3 3 4 8.8. SUB SERVO SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.9. LCD SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.10. AVS OUT SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.11. MONITOR& SENSOR FLEX. CARD SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.12. B/W-E.V.F. SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.13. MIC UNIT SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.14. CCD FLEX. CARD SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 9 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLIES 9.1. MAIN C.B.A. ADDRESS INFORMATI ON 9.2. MAIN C.B.A. (COMPONENT SIDE) 9.3. MAIN C.B.A. (FOIL SIDE) 9.4. MONITOR C.B.A. 9.5. MIC UNIT 9.6. B/W-E.V.F. C.B.A. 9.7. CCD FLEX. CARD C.B.A. 10 EXPLODED VIEWS 11 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 39 40 40 40 40 41 44 Page 33 34 34 8.5. SYSTEM CONTROL& SERVO SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 27 8.6. AUDIO SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 8.7. POWER SCHEMATI C DIAGRAM 30 31 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. INTRODUCTION1 This service manual contains technical information which will be allowed service personnel's to understand and service this model. Please use part number on the parts list to make order for spare part and do not use reference number on the drawing. If the circuit is changed or modified, this information will be followed by supplement service manual. Note 1: The service manual for Mechanism-Chassis is separated as another one. Please refer to the following manual for detail of adjustment procedure for Mechanism-Chassis. Order number for serv

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