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Silcon Group MLU free download

UPS - Uninterruptable Power Supply repair information and schematics

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File name:PH01GB01.PDF
Size:117 kB
Mfg:Silcon Group
Model:MLU 🔎
Descr:User Manual Multi Link Unit Rev.00
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > UPS
Multipart:No multipart

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File name PH01GB01.PDF

Silcon MLU-Box Installation Guide 7PH0001 GB rev.01 Installation Guide Silcon MLU-Box 1 7PH0001 GB rev.01 2 Installation Guide Silcon MLU-Box Contents: 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Brief Installation Guide Info regarding cables/DP-SOFT CDX Licence for DP-SOFT Licence Terms 7PH0001 GB rev.01 Installation Guide Silcon MLU-Box 3 Brief Installation Guide 1.0 Brief Installation Guide This Guide is a brief Installation Guide for mounting of MLU signal distribution box in connection with the use of Silcon's DP-SOFT and/or built-in UPS-driver in operating system. 1. Switch off power for servers and UPS, so that all equipment is without voltage. Mount the cable from UPS to MLU-box. Mount cables from MLU-box to RS232 ports on servers. Take care that you are using the correct cables (the cables are marked) for the respective operating systems. The server that has possibly to operate UPS SHUTDOWN *) has to be connected to port X2 on the MLU-box. Switch on the power for UPS and servers respectively, and install DP-SOFT according to the encl. manual(s) and original discs, and/or configurate the operating system's built-in UPS-driver. 2. 3. 4. HINTS! Remember that the MLU-box has also to be supplied from the UPS system. Otherwise it won't work in case of power failure. The server, chosen and configurated for UPS shutdown, has to operate a little bit longer than the others (downtime), so that the UPS is not going to be switched off before the other servers are correctly shut down and possible shutdown-scripts have been effectuated! When testing the solution, be aware that the default of the built-in timer in the UPS system has been configurated for 30 secs. delay. This means that it will typically last 1-3 minutes from the UPS shutdown signal is sent from the server, until the UPS is actually switching off. It can last up to 3-4 minutes before the UPS system is starting up (on condition that the 230V mains has come back) after having been switched off. 7PH0001 GB rev.01 4 Installation Guide Silcon MLU-Box Info Regarding Cables/DP-SOFT CDX 2.0 Info regarding cables/DP-SOFT CDX. Adapter Review: The following UPS models demand separate adapter when using DP-SOFT+ relaysoftware: UPS Model Mini-DATAPOWER · DP6/DP12 Mini-DATAPOWER · FC600/FC1200 DP10E Series · DP7E, DP10E, DP15E, DP20E, DP30E DATAPOWER DP10 Series · DP5, DP10, DP15, DP20 DATAPOWER DP100 Series · DP103, DP105 *) DATAPOWER DP300 · DP310 to DP3100 *) = Windows/OS/2/Novell 0801177 + 0800981 0801177 + 0800981 0801177 + 0400718 (relay-chart) 0801177 + 0801036 0801177 + 0801036 0801177 + 0801036 UNIX/VMS 0801178 + 0800981 0801178 + 0800981 0801178 + 0400718 0801178 + 0801036 0801178 + 0801036 0801178 + 0801036 RS232/V.24 is standard on this model. Notes: The RS232-based software on the encl. CD-ROM cannot be used in connection with the cables and adapters mentioned above. For solutions including a Silcon MLU-box (Multi Link Unit) only DP-SOFT (relay-based) can be used. Extension cables for UPS ->

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