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SAMSUNG SGH-A400 free download

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Descr:Service Manuals for SAMSUNG SGH-A400
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DUAL BAND GSM TELEPHONE SGH-A400 SERVICE 5.Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagram 5-1 SGH-A400 Power ON `POWER ON' does not work Y Check the current consumption more than 100 mA N Download again Y Check the Battery Voltage more than 3.3V Y N Charge the Battery Check the pin 38 of U400 is more than 3.2 V Y N Check to the path from CN604 to pin 38 of U400 and keypad U400 pin 33,28,30 = 2.8V N Change U400 Y Check the clock signal at R105 N Check the clock generation circuit (related to U400 and OSC100) Y Check the initial operation Y END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-1 SGH-A400 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagram 5-2 SGH-A400 Initial Initial Failure Y Check the "Reset_B" signal at the pin 6 of U8016 is "High" N Check the U100 (IA) Y Check the pin 10 of U400 is "High" N Check the U201 (M46) Y Check the pin 11 of U400 is "High" N Check the U400 (PMIC) Y Check the connections and initialization using Factory Test Program Y Check LCD connector CN601, and resolder bridge Y END SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-2 SGH-A400 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagram 5-3 SGH-A400 Sim Part Phone can't access SIM card Y Check the pin 1, 5 of CN400. voltage is 2.8V ? N Check the SIM related circuit of the U400 Y Check the SIM connector's CN400 Connection to SIM card Y N Resolder CN400 Check the circuit around U515 (Serial EEPROM) and data stored in it Y END VBAT VCCD VCCD C410 150PF R409 4.7K 44 20 49 50 51 52 R407 4.7K ISENP 35 36 37 38 4 5 12 2 9 1 3 ISENN VSUB_P GND4 GND5 GND6 VREF_CAP GND7 S_Dat S_Clk PMIC_RESET VCCD NC1 NC2 VBAT1 VBAT2 23 GND1 45 46 47 NC3 POWER_KEY ALARM_IN DTR_IN 8 1 7 U8016-1 VSIM U400 GND3 GND2 CN400 1 1 2 2 3 3 G 4 5 6 4 5 6 6 7 8 ENABLE_1 ENABLE_2 ENABLE_3 RESET_B PMIC_INTERRUPT 2 4 11 POWER_ON_RESET 10 CLOCK_REQUEST RSS_DATA G G G 7 8 9 10 SIM_CLK_CARD SIM_ENABLE SIM_DATA_CARD SIM_RST_CARD BOOST_PULSE BOOT_VDD BOOT_SENSE VBOOST BOOST_ENABLE 16 SIM_DATA_M46 18 SIM_CLK_M46 48 VOUT_8 33 VOUT_1A 34 VOUT1B 31 VOUT_4A 32 VOUT_4B 19 GND_SENSE 22 SIM_RST_M46 30 VOUT_2 28 VOUT_3 29 VOUT_5 27 VOUT_6 43 VOUT_7 24 VSW1 25 VSW2 26 NC4 42 40 41 39 13 17 14 15 21 RSS_CLOCK VCCD VCCA1 2 3 ZD402 1 R410 100 VOsc VRF VTIC VSIM VSYN Sim_Reset Sim_Clk Sim_Dat Sim_En Clk_Rqst R404 100K SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-3 SGH-A400 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diagram 5-4 SGH-A400 Charging Part Abnormal charging part Y Check the pin 17, 18 of CN604-1 is around 5V Y N Replace TA Check the pin 2 of U8021 is "Low" N Check the U201 using Factory Test Program Y Check the pin 5, 6 of U8021 is more than 0.5V Y N Resolder R648, R651, R646 Check the Voltage of pin 5 of U605 is between 3.2 V and 4.2 V Y END N Change U605 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 5-4 SGH-A400 Flow Chart of Troubleshooting and Circuit Diag

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