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Now downloading free:Yeasu vertex ft-2800

Yeasu vertex ft-2800 free download

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File name:FT-2800.pdf
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Mfg:Yeasu vertex
Model:ft-2800 🔎 ft2800
Original:ft-2800 🔎
Descr:Mobile radio
Group:Electronics > Radio stations
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FT ­ 2800M Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 2 FT-2800M FM , 144 . FT-2800M: 65 , 4 . 137-174 . . . 221 /, CTCSS/DCS 6- - . 10 NOAA . CTCSS DCS . , . , , . . . (TOT), (APO), (ARS), . S-. FT-2800M! , Yeasu , Vertex Standard , , . Vertex Standard. , . , . FT-2800M . Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 3 , (SINAD 12) (­6/­60) 144 - 146 144 - 148 144 - 146 137 - 174 5/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100 ±600 < ±10 ppm (­20 °C to +60 °C) F2/F3 50 13.8 ±15% : 0.7./ 0.3 ( ) : 10(60 )/7(25 )/5(10 )/4(5 ) - 20° + 60° 160 x 50 x 185 mm 1,8 60 /25 /10/5 FM ±5 /±2.5 < ­60 2 21,7 450 <0.2 12 /28 > 70 > 70 3 4 (10% .) . : MH-48A6J MMB-83 15 A 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 4 (25 A) ( 35 A) MLS-100 FP-1025A FP-1030A . FT-2800M . , . , , . , FT-2800M. . , . , , . FT-2800M , +60 °C. . FT-2800M 50 . ( 50 ) . , 60 . , , . . ( Yagi Cubical Quad) , , . Yagi ; Cubical Quad ( , Cubical Quad). FT-2800M. . , , 8 1/2 29 , 1.8 146 . . , . , VHF . Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 5 RG-58A RG-213 RG-8 8D-FB 10D-FB 100 144 16 8.0 6,0 5.1 4.0 , , .. , . FT-2800M. . FT-2800M 13,8 . , , , MMB-83. . . , . . ­ . Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 6 ! . . FT-2800 15,8 . , , . FT-2800 15 . , , . , . , , . 15 , , 14 . «». , 12 . . , . , . Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 7 MSL-100 . FT-2800M , 8 3 . . FT-2800M 13.8 (+- 10 %). : (-) . (+) . , FP-1030 «YAESU» SL15R, SS-18, RS-20A «ASTRON», 220 , 50 . FT-2800 , (13.8 +- 10 %, 15). FT-2800M . . . . Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 8 1. VOL. . 2. SQL. . ( «BUSY» ). , . 3. . MH-48A6J, . . 4. [ ]. . 5. / PWR 1 . 6. [Hz(SET)]. 1 ( , ). , , 1 . ( «Set») 1 . 7. [REV(DW)]. , ( ), () .* 1 ( «PRI», « ») * «Reverse» . «» (HOME) . Vertex Standard FT ­ 2800M 9 8. [LOW(A/N)]. . : , 65 25 MID 2 1 10 LOW2 5 LOW1 « »/»- » 1 9. [D/MR(MW)]. V

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