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Now downloading free:MTK MTKTOOL

MTK MTKTOOL free download

Home electronics, consumer electronics, professional electronics - Television sets (plasma, HDTV, LCD, TFT, Big screen tv), Monitors (TFT-LCD panels, conventional CRT), VCR, DVD, Car Audio etc.

File information:
File name:MTK.rar
[preview MTKTOOL]
Size:671 kB
Descr:Програма и инструкция на български за флаш на процесори MTK
Group:Electronics > Software
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name MTK_Instruction.pdf

MPEG Mediatek 1369, 1379, 1389. , . . : 1. RS232 COM1 . 2. MPEG : , : 3. . 4. , . : 1. CD . 2. MtkToolv3152.exe - , : : 1. : - , . - " BROWSE " / Backup file /. - " BACKUP " - / 3 /. - . 2. : - , . - " BROWSE " , " Bin file ". - " UPGRADE " - / 3 /. - . - . - . , . . MTK " MTK .BIN ". · : Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, Windows 2000/ XP. ­ Pentium MMX 200 Mhz, 32 Mb RAM, CD ROM, RS232 Port. ! ! !

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