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CTX 710 free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

File information:
File name:monitor ctx_ex710f_ckq1797c__2404__119.rar
[preview 710]
Size:340 kB
Model:710 🔎
Descr:Shema na monotor CTX 710
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name ctx.pdf

File name ctx_ex710f_ckq1797c (2404).txt

Monitor: CTX EX710F Model: CKQ1797C 17" Flat MCU: CTX 16P40-070F 61-0098 (BAE5,1786C/1797C) EEPROM: 24C04A (IC502) -SELF Tube: SAMSUNG *M41QCJ761X171 Flat:-)))))))) Greets from Gincha! uz plates: CGP1797C/1786C SCREEN SM

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