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Chassis 3P51 Chassis 3P51 free download

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File name:Chassis 3P51 (Service Manual).rar
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Mfg:Chassis 3P51
Model:Chassis 3P51 🔎
Original:3P51 🔎
Descr:3P51 CHASSIS service manual
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File name Chassis 3P51 (Service Manual).pdf

SERVICE MANUAL 3P 5 1 CHASSIS Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. ( ONLY REFERRENCE) _____ ENGINEER BY: _____ CHECKED BY: PPROVED BY: _____ Service Adjustments " " -13 - Service Adjustments 3P51 ADJUST MENU 1.FACTORY MODE: (1)Assembly line adjust mode: Press S.M., (DISPLAY) and keys in turn to enter this mode. (2)Engineer adjust mode: Press CLOCK, P.M. and keys in turn to enter this mode. This mode is usually for R&D and engineering department use. (3)Press digital keys to enter every adjust page, use PROG+/- keys to pick adjust items, use VOL+/- keys to adjust the value. (4)Press DISPLAY to quit factory mode. 2.B+ VOLTAGE ADJUST Measure C600A + voltage, adjust VR641 to get proper B+ voltage according to CRT assembly list requirement. 3. RF AGC VOLTAGE ADJUST (1)Receive 294.25MHz,60dBcolor bar signal. (2)Enter factory mode and press digital key "4". (3)Measure tuner AGC point voltage, adjust AGC item till the voltage is 2.4V,or till picture noise just disappearsUsually the AGC value is fixed to 27. 4 FINE ADJUST (1) FOCUS ADJUST a. Receive cross-hatch pattern signal b. Set picture to" RICH" mode c. Adjust FBT's FOCUS knob till picture is clear (2) SCREEN VOLTAGE ADJUST(KEY 0 ) a. Set picture to"STANDARD"modewithout signal input; b. Enter factory mode and press digital key"0" c. Adjust FBT's SCREEN knob till VG2 voltage flag changes between "LOW" and "HIGH"press PROG+ key to enter other menu (3) HORIZON ADJUST(KEY 1 ): a. Receive 50HZ monoscope PATTERN. Set TV to standard mode. Press KEY1 to enter factory mode b. Adjust 5HSH(for 60Hz picture,its is 6HSH)to set picture horizontal center to CRT horizontal center. c. Receive 60HZ monoscope PATTERN, repeat above b item -14- Service Adjustments (4)VERTICAL&YUV/RGB HORIZON ADJUST(KEY2 ): 5VSL 50HZ vertical linearity 5SCL 50Hz vertical slope correction 5VSH 50Hz vertical center 5VAM 50Hz vertical size 6VSL 60HZ vertical linearity 6SCL 60HZ vertical slope correction 6VSH 60HZ vertical center 6VAM 60HZ vertical size a. Receive 50Hz cross hatch signal, set TV to STANDARD mode, press digital key "2" after enter factory mode, adjust 5VSL so that picture's vertical line is just at the bottom of the half picture. b. Adjust 5VSH to set picture vertical center to CRT center. c. Adjust 5SCL to set proper vertical linearity d. Adjust 5VAM to obtain picture's vertical re-display ratio more than 90% . e. If necessary, fine adjust above items. f. Receive 50HZ RGB or YUV cross hatch signal,set TV to STANDARD mode,adjust 5RGH till picture horizontal center is at the CRT center.(O

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