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PLASMA TV SERVICE MANUAL PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory trial version TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...1 TUNER ...1 3. IF PART (TDA9886) ...1 4. MULTI STANDARD SOUND PROCESSOR ...2 5. 4.VIDEO SWITCH TEA6415 ...2 6. AUDIO AMPLIFIER STAGE WITH TDA7265 ...2 7. POWER SUPPLY (SMPS) ...3 8. MICROCONTROLLER ...3 9. SERIAL ACCESS CMOS 4K x 8 (32K bit) EEPROM 24C32A...3 10. CLASS AB STEREO HEADPHONE DRIVER TDA1308 ...3 11. SAW FILTERS...3 12. IC DESCRIPTIONS AND INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ...4 12.1. MC44608...5 12.1.1. Description ...5 12.1.2. General Features ...5 12.1.3. Pin Connections ...5 12.2. TCET1102G ...6 12.2.1. Description ...6 12.2.2. Applications ...6 12.2.3. 13.12.3.Features ...6 12.3. TDA9886 ...

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