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Kenwood KAC-9103D free download

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POWER AMPLIFIER KAC-9103D SERVICE MANUAL © 2006-11 PRINTED IN JAPAN B53-0471-00 (N) 957 Dressing Panel (A21-6563-02): (K type) (A21-6564-02): (E,M type) BOOST CONTROL SYSTEM Class D Mono Power Amplifier E,M type K type Fuse (30A) (F52-0015-05) Accessories (W01-1606-05) x2 Screw set (N99-1794-05) Connecting cord assy (E30-6145-05) 19cm This product uses Lead Free solder. This product complies with the RoHS directive for the European market. KAC-9103D BLOCK DIAGRAM X08-4180-12 X09-5820-14 IC11 ISO LINE IN IC11 INV NOR/REV IC11 I.F.S 25Hz 15Hz L.P.F BASS BOOST SENS IC13 FREQ IC12 LVL LINE OUT Q151 SP IN MUTE IC31 COMPARATOR TRIANGLE WAVE IC12,13 DEAD TIME CONT Q401-415,187-190 D CLASS AMP OVER LOAD DET. DC OFFSET DET. SP OUT 50 LEVEL DIAGRAM KAC-9103D 40 THERMAL PROTECT 30 P-CON DET TR SW P-CON +15V AVR 15V Q25,26 HB BATT GND OP AMP 20 10 +15V AVR D.D CON -15V AVR Q28,42 ISOLATION X08 D CLASS AMP IND Q8-20 0 LEVEL VOL -10 INPUT X08 OUT 2 SP OUT KAC-9103D COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION PREAMPLIFIER UNIT (X08-4180-12) Ref. No. IC11 (1/2) IC11 (2/2) IC12 (1/2) IC12 (2/2) IC13 IC14,15 Application / Function INFRA SONIC FILTER INVERTER OP AMP BASS BOOST LOW PASS FILTER BASS BOOST Operation / Condition / Compatibility Cutting super-low area of voice signals Reversing voice signal phase Voltage amplification, buffer High-boost (variable levels) Cutting high range of voice signal High-boost (variable levels) AUDIO UNIT (X09-5820-14) Ref. No. IC1 IC2 (1/2) IC2 (2/2) IC11 IC12,13 IC31 IC32 (1/2) IC32 (2/2) IC61,62 Q1~3 Q4,5 Q8~11 Q12~14 DC/DC converter Q18~20 Q25,26,28 Q29,30 Q36 Q37,38 Q41 Q42 Q43 Q151 Q187~190 Q401~409 Pulse amplification and rectifying Q411~414 Q416 Q417,418 Q601,602 Q603 Q604~607 Q608~611 Q612 15V AVR Control of ON/OFF of electric power amplification section Comparator DC/DC converter control Electric current and voltage conversion Latch circuit FAN +B Integration AVR for obtaining Dclass High+B Makes the electric power amplification section non-operative for 1.2 seconds when the power is turned on and when protection is triggered Detection of short-circuiting of SP output and determine excess current for triggering protection Convey IC62 u pin output, result of excess current detection, to IC2 and stop the DC/DC converter Conversion of current to voltage of the current flowing to final Detection and holding of output excess voltage When P-CON is ON, fan is rotated Generation of signal for driving Dclass final FET AVR Tracking when ±15V AVR is OFF DC/DC converter ON/OFF control DC/DC converter pulse ON/OFF control 4.4V AVR AVR DC/DC converter ON/OFF control Mute Electric power amplification ±15V AVR Adjusts `-15V' AVR falling to `+15V' AVR falling Stops DC/DC converter switching when protection is triggered ON/OFF of DC/DC converter drive waveform Vref 5V reference AVR ±15V AVR Stops DC/DC converter switching when protection is triggered Turning off voice signal Dclass large current switching DC/DC converter

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