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Descr:indramat ac Main Spindle Drive Controller RAC03_PRJ1
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mannesmann Rexroth engineering RAC 3 Main Spindle Drive Controller Project Planning Manual DOK-DIAX01-RAC03******-PRJ1-EN-P 258780 Indramat About this documentation Titel Type of documentation: Documenttype Internal file reference Reference Main Spindle Drive Controller RAC 3 Planning and Design DOK-DIAX01-RAC03******-PRJ1-EN-E1,44 · 209-0042-4116-00 This electronic document is based on the hardcopy document with document desig.: 209-0042-4116-00 EN/03.94 This documentation serves ­ to introduce the drive controller ­ to mechanically integrate the drive controller into the control cabinet ­ to assist in assembly and installation ­ to describe the AS programming module ­ to explain the hardware delivered and its best storage conditions The supplementary technical documentation is used This documentation is used: Function of the supplementary documentation ­ during commissioning, operation and servicing ­ to electrically integrate the drive controller into the control cabinet The ,,documentation summary" offers an overview of all technical documentation of the main spindle drive and contents. The ,,supplementary documentation" summary lists all titles and their order numbers. Change procedures Designation of documentation up to present edition 209-0042-4116-00 EN/03.94 DOK-DIAX01-RAC03******-PRJ1-EN-E1,44 Release- Coments date Mar./94 Jul./97 First Edition First E-Dok Copyright © INDRAMAT GmbH, 1994 Copying of this document, and giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof, are forbidden without express authority. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design. (DIN 34-1) The electronic documentation (E-doc) may be copied as often as needed if such are to be used by the consumer for the purpose intended. Validity All rights reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availability of the products. INDRAMAT GmbH · Bgm.-Dr.-Nebel-Straße 2 · D-97816 Lohr Telefon 0 93 52 / 40-0 · Tx 689421 · Fax 0 93 52 / 40-48 85 Dept ENA (MR, FS) Publisher · DOK-DIAX01-RAC03******-PRJ1-DE-E1,44· 07.97 2 Table of contents Table of contents 1. The RAC 3 main spindle drive controller 5 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Control Cabinet Construction 11 Environmental conditions ... 11 Mechanical data ...14 Thermal data ...20 2.3.1. Guidelines on the use of cooling devices in control cabinets ...22 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Electrical data ...24 Summary of technical data ...31 Type codes ...

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