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Now downloading free:Aiwa CSD-SL20

Aiwa CSD-SL20 free download

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File information:
File name:_Technical_Inform_©_.pdf
[preview CSD-SL20]
Size:122 kB
Model:CSD-SL20 🔎 CSDSL20
Original:REF.No. G-A0-049-E0 [10 Jul. 2000] 🔎
Descr:Service Techincal Information [mod. CSD-SL20] Subjet: Tape unit does not run. Pag. 1
Group:Electronics > Documentation
Multipart:No multipart

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File name _Technical_Inform_©_.pdf

1/1 Service Technical Information MODEL NO. CSD-SL20 SUBJECT Tape unit does not run REF.No. :G -A0 - 049 - E0 DATE :10. JUL. 2000 On the model concerned, tape unit does not run or fails in playback operation. Analyze the symptom and take the following countermeasure. The motor fails to run due to open status of a Q415 (CASS.MOTOR ON/OFF SW/DTC124 -X5) on P.W.B.MAIN. Replace Q415 with a new part and take the following countermeasure: 1) Cut the Line between Q415 collector and Q416 base on P.W.B. MAIN. CUT LINE Q415 Pattern side 2) Solder 2.2K , 1/8W resistor. Parts side R452 1k Q 416 2SA1296GR CN404 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Add Resistor 2.2K PN404 1 ) CUT L I E N R450 470k - + DECK MOTOR Q 415 DTC124-X5 MOTOR LEAF SW 2 ) Add R es is to r 2 .2K Circuit diagram Pattern side Ref. - - G - R - Parts Code 87- 026- 291- 080 88-121-222- 080 Code No. - Description TR,DTC124X5 RES,2.2K 1/8W Access Code - Modified Ser. No. - Remarks - - Parts Schedule -

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