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Goodmans 1425RS free download

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GOODMANS 1425 RS General Information Also Covers 2025 RS, 2045 TS, 2145 TS. Daewoo CP-375 1 6.3 VERTICAL SLOPE * The VERTICAL SIZE adjustment has to be done in advance. 1) Apply a RETMA PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust the lower part of the picture with the VSLOPE UP/DOWN keys. * Option Initial state (Blank EEPROM) AV BAND FRANCE N3.58 ATS AV2 3 BAND OFF OFF ON TA (FRANCE) AV2 3 BAND ON OFF ON TU (UK) AV2 1 BAND OFF OFF ON TF,TK (OTHERS) AV2 3 BAND OFF OFF ON DW5255M2-3 DW5255M4 DW5255RM1 -2 DW5255RM3 Remark (u-COM Version) X-Ray Precautions Safety Instruction 1.Excessive high voltage can produce potentially hazardous X-RAY RADIATION.To avoid such hazards, the high voltage must not exceed the specified limit. The nominal value of the high voltage of this receiver is 22-23KV (14"),25-26Kv (20", 21") at max beam current. The high voltage must not, under any circumstances, exceed 27.5 NV (14", 20"), 29.0Kv (21'). Each time a receiver requires servicing, the high voltage should be checked. It is important to use an accurate and reliable high voltage meter. 2. The only source of X-RAY Radiation in this TV receiver is the picture tube.For continued XRAY RADIATION protection,the replacement tube must be exactly the same type tube as specified in the parts list. 2) Connect the Signal Generator RF Output to P101 (Tuner IF Output). There must be no signal input to the tuner. 3) Press the `AFT' KEY and wait until the TV screen display "AFT OK". 1.2 Standard SECAM-L' (France VHF-Low) * Above mentioned "1.1," adjustment has to be done in advance. 1) Set a Signal Generator with - RF FREQUENCY = 34.2 MHz, - RF OUTPUT LEVEL =800 ±5 dBuV - System = SECAM 2) Connect the Signal Generator RE Output to P101 (Tuner IF Output). There must be no signal input to the tuner. 3) Press the "L' AFT" KEY and wait until the TV screen display "L AFT OK". 2. AGC 1) Set a Pattern Generator with RF LEVEL 630±2 dBuV. 2) Connect a OSCILLOSCOPE PROBE to P101 (TUNER AGC INPUT). 3) Adjust AGC UP/DOWN KEY the voltage drop 1V dc over below its maximum voltage. * Alternative Method 1) Set a Pattern Generator with - RF LEVEL 800±5 dBuV - PAL CROSSHATCH (without SOUND CARRIER) 2) Connect a OSCILLOSCOPE (Bandwidth 100MHz) PROBE to P101 (TUNER IFOUTPUT). 3) Use AGC UP/DOWN KEY to obtain an envelop amplitude 200 + 50 mVp-p. 3. SCREEN 1) Apply a COLOR BAR pattern signal. 2) Set the CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS to MAX, COLOR to MIN. 3) Set the R,G,B LEVEL to CENTRE (31/63) with R,G,B UP/DOWN KEY. 4) Connect a OSCILLOSCOPE PROBE to P906 (CRT CATHOD R, G, B). 5) Adjust the SCREEN VOLUME on FBT such that the highest black level voltage 1600 ±5Vdc (20", 21"), 1300±5Vdc (14"). 6.4 VERTICAL S-CORRECTION 1) Apply a CROSSHATCH PATTERN signal. 2) Adjust the 5-COR UP/DOWN KEY to obtain the same distance between horizontal lines. * The initial state of adjustment are as follows; V-Center, V-Slope V-Size, H-Center, R, G, B, AFT = Center (30/64 - 33/64) S-Correction = 00/64 AGC = 10/64 Waveforms 6.5 HORIZONTAL CENTRE

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