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Model:TSV70 🔎
Original:MK2 🔎
Descr:Instruction manual (includes schematics) for the TSV70 Power Supply made by Farnell UK.
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File name TSV70 MK2 - 1-5.pdf

FA$SEI,I. INSTRT'UENTS LIITITED INSTRUCTION },TANUAI FOR STABITXSED VOTTAGE SI'PPLY TY?E TSV.7O UK. II. FARNELLrNsrRItuENts LrurtEP. Sandbeck Way, l{etherby, YorkshLre. LS224DHTelephone Wetherby 0937 35{1 (0 llnes) - c o N s E f l T ' S SECTION 1 rllTRoptrcTlgN.. .. .. sEqtroN 11 SEqrIoN -td;l' sEcrIoN Iv SKItrON:V sEgrIoN vr OPERAIING INSTRUCTIONS CIRCUIT, DESCRTPTON - '. SPECIFICATION. . .. . SEIiIIMI ItP -PROCEDURE, ,.. APPUTCAfIODTS AND. TYPICAL PERmm|AldCB. gEggrgr-]. INgBgPgggIgN. i Th supply tyPe TSV.7O l{k. II provldes a source of D.C.-voltage variable over two ranges, O to 7O volts stabtllsed currents 5'anPs or O to 35 volts at output at output belng achleved by a currenls up to 10 amps, range sel6ctlon the lnstrument front panel. swLtch on The output voltage ls set by coarse and flne unlt fronl panel, and ls contLnuously varlable on the each range. controls over allowlng An outpub on/off setltch ls incorporated' to !e dlsconnected frqrr the supply wlthout swltehlng the load off the mains lpPut to the unlt. is provlded tn the fornr of a Overload protectLon level ls The current linlt constant current llmit. by mernsof a front panel control'. adJustable Output voltage and current are monltored lndependently The meter ranges are selected by front panLt meters. by the output range swltch. automatlcally The lnstrument operates from 50/60 Hz supplles of The requlred 12O volts on 21O to 24O volts rms. 1O5 to J.nput tapplng ls selected on the transformer transformer tag board. 1 - __- SECTION 11 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS !{AINS INPUT. , The transformer tapplng should be eet to correepond to the mains J.nput voltage from whlch the unlt is to be (Unlts are normally supplled fox 24O volt operated. The transformer connections for other lnput oieratJ.on). to change the voltages are shown in fLgure 1.Pl3.In'order tapping the botton cover of the unlt must be transiormer fhls- !s achieved by removLng the four flxlng removed. The bottom screws ln the rear panel, and removlng lt. cover may norrt be wl,thdrawn from the rear of the uDlt. Malns lntrlut is applied to the unlt by, the three The cable connectlons are cored lnput Iod at the rear. BRO!i|N-LrVE, BLI'E-NEUTRAL, GREEN,/ELLOI{-EARTH. FRONTPH[EI,. INPUT ON,/OFF SWITCH. of malns indlcatlon Thls connects the mains input to the unit, swltchle glven by the neon lamp above thls COARSB AI{D FINE CONTROLS. VOLTAGE ADJUST These provide contlnuous adjustment of o_utput voltage The maximum ls determined by from zeto to mlxlmum output. The coverage of the fl-ne the setting of the iRANGE' swltch. on 35OmVon tJre 35V range and TOOmV control is approxlmately the 7OV range. RANGE SWITCH. This hand settJ,ng selects the output range of the unlt the left beLng O-35V 1OA, and the right hand setting being o-70v 5A. METERS. current to the ranges setl.lng in red (left hand) and output These monltor output voltage (right hand). scale ranges correspond The meter full 35 voltE and IO amp settlng of
File name TSV70 MK2 - 11-15.pdf

.{} ' and an wlth the RN{GE swltch on the,7o\r,,5A positlon aruneter connected across the output aceurate external LruIT '.boittrol to gtve a ad1ust the "CIAREDS1 termltt"i", the set T1o3 untll on thls tneter. readlng of 5 "rp" scale) panel anrneter reads 5 amps (full front . . - 9 -g' SECTION Vl g}lrgNg Igg$a! -BEBE9BUAUSS-AIP-AB3Ir . I) SERIES OPERATTON Unlts uray be connected tn serles to provlde higher It Ls recommended that a Protectlve otrtput voltages. across the output terminal of each unLt, dlode is. fltted terminal to prevent the supplies cathode to posltive The becoming reverse biased under overload qondltLons. diode should have a current ratLng equal'to the maximum ft ls reconmended that of the unLt. output capabllity not more than three units be series connected. (D 2' PARALLEL OPERATTON to increase the "' Units may be conneCted in parallel them the unLts In order to parallel current capability. should be adjusted for equal output voltage and their In such a output terminals then connected ln parallel. system, as output load current ls Lncreased from zero, the rrnLt havlng the htghest voftage setting wlll conduct The unit with untLl it.reaches lts current limit poLnt. it the next highest voltage will then conduct until polnt and so on. The V/I reaches lts current lintt of a system of three units connected ln characterlstic parallel ls shown in flgure 2.P14!his shows a serles of descendlng steps in voltage as the load current increases. The nagnitude of the step depends on how closely the The resolution of the voltages can be set together. fine potentJ.oneter is approximately tOmV hence the steps No more than in voltage could not be lower than lOnV. three units should be operated ln parallel. 3) EXTERNAL SENSINGOPERATION Unlts are supplled wlth Llnks between the SENSEand If tt ls required to correct for the OUTPtn terminals. voltage drop along the leads carrylng current to the load, lt ls. posslbte to use a four terminal connection. It ls not posstble to correct for more than I volt drop in each lead. of lead from the senslng terminals and iaaition output ternl.nals Lncreases the lnductance Ln the . feedback pathr. whlch cogld give rise to Lnstablllty'at htgh frequencles unless the followlng precautions'are taken. , The leads from the + otIfPUT and + SENSEtermlnals The leads from the nshould be twlsted together. "- SENSE" termlnals should be twlsted OUTPUTtr and together SLnce inductance is Lntroduced.between the output termlnals and 'the Load, the transLent performance of Thls may the supply at the load is adversely affected. -l,o- be restored by addl-ng a capacitor of approxlmately across the Load 1OOvolts dlrectly 2OOOuFat It may also be necessaqy to decouple the outPut and senslng termLnal pairs wlth low voltage electrolytlc For the '+ OIIIPIXI and + SENSE tennlnal palr the capacltors. capacLtor posLtlve shouLd be connected to the + OITPIII termlnal and for the - OUTPIIT rnd - SENSEterrnlnal paLr, the should be.connec
File name TSV70 MK2 - 16-20.pdf

'5 ulilT I uiltT 2 'LttlTs. " u]{tTt ./unrs; coNDucrs ulllT I I -t- , u1{tT2 co$DucTs |I I U1{lT3 cot{DucTs 2 TIGURE - OUTN'T CURRE}IT. PARAIE! OPERATIOI{. 20pSrc. I l.-i soc. 1l0r ; - TYPICAL TRAIISIEXT, nrSpOrSe. frcURE! I4 o I a II o (, 2 t trl A T F t A F D o ;IGURE' - TYPICAL OUTPUT |T?tDAXC: VS FRE(UEXCY. IHR. I I I I uP I ruu roAD r I ! r^". *x ( | .*o o* l,'o'u "n ' ( FIGURE' - TYPICAT OUTPUT VOTTAGI YARIATIOfl Y3 TITE AT COXSTATIT ATIIEIIT TEIPETATUiE. 15 EeE o a! .B tra E e ' e tr, :' E 5 I 0 G tal s o o g 3 () = 2 I l a lo U ' : 2 : 6l o l O x{' t t l F t -(r E?s o s l ! c I a 6 t I a a 3 T E o g t , , a i"' E !;; o oa t 3. b b r E ! T =: < i ro o o olq o 2 >al E9 t OJ na - c l . z .l G A Y : < E o o o o ( J f ) g s o o ; t' oi ,iiil nt c'F E t o G -'> 5G { E F oo3 o o ! r ) o i E < o o o o 8'3 5il; o b
File name TSV70 MK2 - 6-10.pdf

g_ESEI9N__U_L_ CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The supply consists of a maLns transformer feeding tsro .reservoir capacitor and series regulator bridge rectifler, systems On the 35 volts 1O amps range the outputs of the two .The systems are paralled by switch S1. serles regulator bank driver inputs are paralled by SIA and driven from the main control cl,rcuit board No. l. On the 7O volts 5 amps range the outputs of the two systems are connected Ln serles. The upper system is drlven from the maln control cl-rcult board No. I, and the lower system Ls drlven from circuLt board No. 2. r .1 35 Volts 1O Anps R,ANGE. l{alns Transformer lffl feeds !!RI fr6rn a 37V R.M.S. secondary wJ.ndlng. MR2 ls fed from a second 37V R.M.S. secondary. The negatlves of reservolr capacltors C2l and 22 are connected to the negative output terminal vLa fuse F'2, swltch DlD, current monitorlng reslstor R57, and switch S3. The positLve is connected vla serles regulators W17-23 to the positlve output terminal. The negatives of reservoir capacitors C25 and 26 are connected via fuse F3, current monitoring resJ.stor R67 and swl-tch 53 to the output terminal. The posltlve is connected vla serLes regulator transistors VT24 - 30 and swltch SIC to the posltive outlrut terminal. The lnput bases of \j1lL7 and \/T2{ are paralled by SfA. . The control cLrcult of circuLt board No. I consists of Diodes DI and D2, and Rl which are fed from a 36-O-36V winding on MTl and feed reservolr capacitors Cl and C2. This provides an unstabillsed D.C. supply for'zener diodes ZI and 22 whlch are fed via R2. ZL and 22 provlde a +I5 - O - -IO Volt supply for the reference and controL ampllfler, circuitry. VT4, RII-, 24, RI4 and RI5 comprlse a constant current source which feeds 23, R8 and T2, plns 3 and 18 belng linked externally. 7,3 is the maln reference zener diode and provLdes a +5.1V source wlth respect to Pln I1 whlch ls connected to the + SENSE front panel termlndl. PI and P2 are the coarse and flne voltage controls on "-SENSE[ temlnal the front panel and are connected bctween:the and Pln 17 on control cl.rcuit board No,l..' Pin I7 is connected via R16 to VT5 base. A potentlal dlvlder comprlsJ"ng Pl, P2, A2 and R8 forms the output voltage genslng. The.control anpllfter \215, 6, 8, 9, LO drLves emittar \/1[7. follower Thls drives the serles regulator banlcs W17-23 and W24-3O. The connection belng from Ptn 13 on the circult. board No. I via the thermal- trlp TTl to Pl.n 9 on circult board 2 then via R111 on circuit bbard No. 2 to PLn 1O and from there to the base of \/1117 and via SIA to the base of \l1I24. The control loop acts ln such a sense as to oppose any signal change on VT5 base, 4 - and hence maLntalns zero voltage between \l1t5 and \i1t6 bases. The output voltage Vo ls therefore defLned as:Vo = (R8 + T2). (Pl + P2) ' Vz3 R8.T2 P3 with Overload protectLon |s provlded by \i1IL1 and L2. VT12 base. R33 ls is connected to R49 and to T4 ln parallel When the output connected to the IO volt au

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