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File name:UMAX Astra 1220U Color Scanner Service Manual.pdf
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Original:1220P 🔎
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Scanners
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File name UMAX Astra 1220U Color Scanner Service Manual.pdf

Astra 1220U Color Scanner Service Manual UMAX Data Systems, Inc. 0898-e Trademarks Astra 1220U is a registered trademark of UMAX Data Systems, Inc. Copyright Copyright 1998 UMAX Data Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of UMAX Data Systems, Inc. Observe the Following Safety Precautions: 1. 2. 3. Make sure that the scanner is turned off and disconnected from both the power source and computer before working on it. Anyone who performs any maintenance on the scanner must be familiar with the basic safety precautions required when working on electronic devices. Observe any and all procedural steps described in this service manual, in the order that they are presented, especially those which involve applying power to the scanner or its components. If and when the scanner must be connected to a power source, while maintenance or testing is performed, use extreme caution when working on scanner electronic components. Only replacement parts approved by UMAX should be used in repairing the scanner to ensure safe and reliable scanner performance and to avoid losing warranty protection. Take all precautions against static electricity damaging electronic components. Check to make sure that the power source has the same voltage rating as that required for operating the scanner. Whenever it is necessary to remove or replace electronic components, always check to make sure the scanner is disconnected from its power source. 4. 5. 6. 7. About This Manual This manual is designed for trained service personnel. All service operations mentioned in this manual are to be carried out by UMAX certified repair technicians only. This manual contains basic after sales service information that is vital to the maintenance of a high quality and reliable scanner. For specific scanner operating procedures, please refer to the operation manual. ii Contents 1. Introduction ... 1 The Astra 1220U...1 Scanner Specifications ...1 2. Electronic Systems ... 3 Astra 1220U Electronic Systems ...3 The Opto-Mechanical ...4 Function Block Diagram ...5 VIDEO Test Timing Diagram (Pixe

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