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9000 VNR Audio & Navigation System 05/2001 en 9000 VNR Audio & Navigation System DEALER STAMP © Copyright in Great Britain, May 2001 AFFIX RADIO KEYCODE/SERIAL NUMBER LABEL HERE AFFIX CD CHANGER CRIN LABEL HERE System Keycode RADIO KEYCODE This card will be extremely useful if your Ford Audio System is stolen. Use the space provided to record the details of your own vehicle's Keycode security number. Then detach the Keycode card and keep it in your wallet or purse. Leave the rest of this card at home with your other vehicle documents. Complete and detach this perforated card and keep it in a safe place ­ but not in your vehicle. Always lock your vehicle and hide valuable items away from prying eyes. Anti-theft systems to protect your vehicle can be obtained from your local Ford Dealer. If your vehicle is broken into, notify the police immediately. Do not touch anything until you are advised to do so. Contents The Navigation !reasons of safety,System provides you with information designed to help you to reach your destination quickly and safely. For the driver should programme the system only when the vehicle is stationary. The Navigation System is not a substitute for your personal judgment. Route suggestions should not supercede local traffic regulations or safe driving practises. Useful information System security Radio reception Quick reference Basic operating instructions Operating Instructions Navigation Getting started Detailed information Obtaining new CD-ROMs 11 14 19 30 31 36 40 45 57 64 3 7 8 9 The magnetic field produced by fitting Ford loudspeakers in locations other than those approved by Ford or fitting other makes of loudspeaker, especially high powered models, may adversely affect seat belt operation. It is recommended that you approach your Ford Dealer for guidance before making any such changes. The illustrations, technical information and data contained in this publication, to our best knowledge, were correct at the time of going to print. The right to change prices, specifications, equipment and maintenance instructions at any time, without notice, is reserved as part of our policy of continuous development and improvement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, translating or other means without prior permission of Ford Motor Company Limited. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions in this publication, although every possible care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible. Issued by: Service Publications, Ford Motor Company Limited, Eagle Way, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BW. © Copyright in Great Britain. May 2001 Order Code: CG3389en 05/2001 Printed in England by Elanders Hindson Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne. This publication is printed on totally chlorine-free (TCF) paper and board i.e., material that has been bleached without the use of chlorine gas or chlorine base

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