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Acorp 6BX/VIA/ZX81 free download

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[preview 6BX/VIA/ZX81]
Size:1740 kB
Model:6BX/VIA/ZX81 🔎
Descr:Acorp 6BX/VIA/ZX81, 66/100MHz FSB, 3 DIMM Slots, Slot 1 CPU Soket, AGP 1X Slot, 4 PCI Slots, 3 ISA/EISA Slots, Award BIOS, Intel 440BX Chipset, can support up to 768MB of RAM
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
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File name p6-1.pdf

Chapter 1 1 Introduction How This Manual is Organized This manual is divided into the following sections: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Introduction : Manual information and checklist. Features : Information and Specifications concerning this mainboard. Installation : Instructions on setting up the board. Chapter 1 Introduction / 1 Package Checklist Please check that your package is complete. If you discover any item damaged or missing , please contact with your retailer immediately. The 6BX81/6ZX81/6VIA81/6VIA81P mainboard. Retention Mechanism & Heatsink Support. 1 x IDE 40 pin ribbon cable. 1 x IDE 80 pin ribbon UDMA66 cable. (option) 1 x floppy ribbon cable. 6BX81/6ZX81/6VIA81/6VIA81P support software: - Flash Memory Write utility to update the FLASH BIOS. - Technical Support Form. This user's Manual 2 / Chapter 1 Introduction
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Chapter 2 2 Features Features of the 6BX81/6ZX81/6VIA81/6VIA81P Mainboard The 6BX81/6ZX81/6VIA81/6VIA81P is designed for the PC user's who want many new key features processed by the fastest CPU in a economic package. This mainboard : New general CPU support : - Solt-1 support to 866 MHz processor. CPU Converter boand - Socket 370 Celeron(533MHz ,677MHz(1.5V) )processor. - Socket 370 Coppermine (500MHz~800MHz)processor. Chapter 2 Features / 3 Intel Chipset : Intel 440BX PCIsetTM /440ZX PCIsetTM/VIA 693+596A (6VIA81)/VIA693A+596B(6VIA81P) chips with I/O subsystems. Biggest memory capacity : 6BX81/6VIA81/6VIA81P is equipped with three DIMM socket to support (16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB.256MB) 168 pin 3.3v SDRAM SPD(Special Presence Detect).Maximum memory up to 768MB. 6ZX81 is equipped with two DIMM socket to support 168 pin 3.3v SDRAM SPD(Special Presence Detect).Maximum memory up to 512MB. AGP for fast VGA solution : AGP (Accelerator Graphic Port) will enhance & improve display performance and Application. The bus speed is 66MHz 2 x mode . ISA & PCI Expansion Slot : Provide three 16 bit ISA, and four 32 bit PCI slots. PCI Bus Master IDE Controller : (VIA Chips support UDMA66) Comes with an on-board PCI Bus Master IDE, controller with two connectors that supports four IDE devices in two channels, Provides faster data transfer rate, and supports Enhanced IDE devices such as Tape Backup and CD-ROM devices(ATAPI). This controller supports PIO mode 3 and 4 (16.6MB/sec.), and Ultra DMA 33/66(only 6VIA81P) (33/ 66MB/Sec.), also supports ZIP100 and LS-120. BIOS support IDE CD-ROM or SCSI bootup. Super Multi-I/O : Provides two high-speed UART2 compatible serial ports (match NS16C550A compatible) and one parallel port with 4 / Chapter 2 Features SPP,EPP and ECP capabilities. UART2 can also be directed from COM2 to the Infrared Module for wireless connections. Two floppy drives of either 5.25" or 3.5 "(1. 25MB,1.44MB) are also supported without an external card. Supports Japanese standard "Floppy 3 mode" (3.5" 1. 25MB). WOL (Wake On LAN) : Supports system power up from LAN wake up . IrDA Port : Support this serial fast communication up to 115.2Kbps. Support Ring on by modem/Alarm on : Support System power up from Modem ring up or timer of System. Required enabled in Ring on by modem and Alarm on in BIOS. To support CPU FAN On/Off and LED indicator under Suspend mode. To support CPU temperature detect and Alarm warning by sound. ( option ) Dimension : 30.5 cm x 18 cm Supports 16-bits stereo audio controller. Sound Blaster 16/ PRO compatible with stereo voice up to 48 KHz sampling rates.(option) Dual channel game port. (supports Microsoft game-pad up to 8 ports).(option) Chapter 2 Features / 5 The 6BX81/6ZX81/6VIA81/6VIA81P Mainboard layout 6ZX81only two DIMM sockets JP10 down :K/B up:Mouse SLOT 1 USB COM1 Printer COM2 FAN1 MIDI/ GAME/ AUDIO J1 J2 AGP SLOT FAN2 PCI SLOT1 JP6 PCI SLOT2 PCI SLOT3 JP7 IR PCI SLOT4 ISA SLOT1 BIOS J5 ISA SLOT2 LAN
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Chapter 3 3 Installation Jumper Jumper JP7 JP6 FAN1 FAN2 FAN3 LAN Real time Clock RTC clean CPU bus frequency selection FAN CONN. for CPU FAN CONN. for AGP FAN CONN. for CHASSIS LAN Card Wake Up Refer to page 11 12 25 25 25 30 Chapter3 Installation / 7 Expansion Slot 168 pin DIMM Socket SEC(Single Edge Connector) CPU Slot 1 AGP (Accelerator Graphic port) SLOT PCI SLOT 1,2,3 -32bits PCI SLOT ISA SLOT1,2 - 16bits ISA SLOT Which page 14 16 23 23 23 Connectors PS2 KB1 COM1 COM2 USB PRINT FDC IDE1 IDE2 IR J5 J5 J5 J5 J5 PW1 J1/J2 - Refer to page PS/2 Mouse port. PS/2 AT(mini DIM) Keyboard port COM 1 serial port COM 2 serial port Universal Serial BUS Ports 1 & 2 Parallel port FLOPPY connector Primary IDE connector Secondary IDE connector IrDA connector HDD LED Reset Switch Speaker Connector Power LED ATX Power switch ATX Power Connector CD Audio Connector 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 8 / Chapter 3 Installation System Installation Setup Before using your computer, you must finish the following steps: 1. Set jumpers on mainboard 2. Install SDRAM module. 3. Install the Pentium II/III Processor. 4. Connect Ribbon Cables, Cabinet Wires, and Power supply. 5. Install Add on Cards. 6. Setup the BIOS software. Static Electricity Precaution Keep the mainboard and other system components in their antistatic packaging until you are ready to install them. Do all prearation work on a static-free surface with the main board components facing up. Unplug your computer when working on the inside. Wear an Anti-static wrist strap. Hold the system components, boards or cards by its edges only. Be careful not to touch any of IC chips, circuitry, contacts or connections, especially gold contacts on the mainboard. Chapter3 Installation / 9 Jumper Settings Jumpers Several hardware setting are made through the use of jumper caps to connect jumper pins (Jxx) on the mainboard. See " Map of the mainboard" for the locationed the jumpers. The jumper settings will be described numerically such as [----], [12], [2-3] for no connection, connect pins 1 & 2, and connect pins 2 & 3 respectively. Pin 1 for our mainboard is always on top one or on the left when holding the mainboard with the keyboard away from yourself. "P1" is written besides pin 1 on jumper with three pins. The jumpers will also be shown graphically such as to connect pin 1&2 and to connect 2&3. Jumpers with two pins will be shown as for Short (on )and for Open (off).For manufacturing simplicity it may be sharing pins from other groups. Use the diagrams in this manual instead of following the pin layout on the board. Settings with two jumper numbers require that both jumpers be moved together. To connect the pin, simply place a plastic jumper cap over the two pins as diagrammed. 10 / Chapter 3 Installation Real Time Clock (RTC) RAM - JP7 : The CMOS RAM is powered by the onboard button cell battery. To clear the RTC data: (1)Turn off your AC Power, (2) Move this jumper to "3-4Pin Clear Da
File name p6-4.pdf

Chapter 4 4 Audio Installation Audio Rack Introduction The Audio Rack32 enables you to take advantage of your computer's audio capabilities with all of the controls conveniently in one compact space. You can play audio CDs, wave files ( in .wav and .aud formats), and MIDI files (in .mid and .rmi formats). With the multisource Audio Mixer, you can then record your creations as wave files and edit them with the Audio Recorder. Chapter 4 Audio Installation / 31 The AudioRack32 has six main parts: Command Center- customizes the appearance of the AudioRack32. Audio Mixer - Controls the volume and balance of the AudioRack32 devices. Digital Audio Player- plays and records files in the .wav format. MIDI Player - enables you to play MIDI files. Compact Disk Player - enables you to play audio CDs on a CDROM. In addition, the AudioRack32 has a miniature mode enabling you to control the AudioRack32 while using minimal screen space. The Audio Recorder is a separate application from the AudioRack32. It can be used to add effects and edit files recorded with the Digital Audio Player or by the Audio Recorder itself. The Audio Recorder can be launched from the AudioRack32's Digital audio Player or on its own. 32 / Chapter 4 Audio Installation The Command Center Introduction The command center controls the parts of the AudioRack32 that are displayed. You can display or hide any part of the AudioRack32 you choose, customizing its appearance to suit your needs or desires. It also displays information on the status of the different audio components. The command center controls Power - closes the AudioRack32 window. Stealth- enables the miniature mode, minimizing the AudioRack32 dissplay . Dat - displays or hides the Digital audio player. Help - accesses On-line help CD - displays or hides the compact disk player. Mixer - displays or hides the audio Mixer. MIDI - displays or hides the MIDI Player. The Miniature Mode Introduction The miniature mode is designed to give you full control of the AudioRack32 while using a minimum of space, You are able to effectively use the AudioRack32 and still have enough room on your desktop to run other applications. In the miniature mode, you can play, pause, stop, and control the master volume of the audioRack32. Chapter 4 Audio Installation / 33 The Audio Mixer Introduction The Audio Mixer has two modes : playback mode and record mode. You can use these two modes to fully control the audio soources you are listening to or recording, how loud each of those sources are and how they are balanced. Each audio source has its own module with mute, balance and volume controls. In addition, the audio mixer provides special effect controls for chorus, reverb, treble, bass, and 3-D effects. The audio mixer controls The two playback and record toggle buttons are used to switch between playback mode and record mode. The effects toggle button switches the display to the effects panel where you can use the buttons to enable and disable eff
File name txd.pdf

6BX/ZX/VIA81/VIA81P User's Manual Version 1.3 The information presented in this publication has been made carefully for reliability; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Specifications are subject to change without notice. IBM, PC/AT, and PC/XT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation AWARD is a registered trademark of Award Sofftware Inc. MS-DOS and WINDOWS NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Trademarks and/or registered trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction ... 1 How this manual is organized ... 1 Package checklist ... 2 Chapter 2 Features ... 3 Features of the mainboard ... 3 The mainboard layout ... 6 Installation ... 7 System Installation Setups ... 9 Static Electricity Precaution ... 9 Jumper Settings ... 10 System Memory (DIMM modules) ... 13 DIMM Memory Installation ... 14 Central Processing Unit (CPU) ... 16 Clearance Requirements ... 22 Fan Exhaust ... 22 External Connectors ... 23 Audio Installation ... 31 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

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