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Now downloading free:QSC Powerlight 6.0II

QSC Powerlight 6.0II free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:PL6.0II.rar
[preview Powerlight 6.0II]
Size:2646 kB
Model:Powerlight 6.0II 🔎
Descr:Stereo Power Amplifier 2x3500W@2Ohm
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name PL6.0II.pdf

_VTOP 3 5 5 1 + E C EL2257C 13 7 + E C EL2257C 9 EL2257C 9 E + 7 EL2257C 13 3 E C + - 1 14 - 8 U12:2 C - 2 6 6 D D D G G G D G S S S B2_P S 2 U11:1 - 8 U12:1 14 U11:2 B1_P 11 U11:3 EL2257C 4 B2_N 4 11 U12:3 EL2257C B1_N This connects to chassis gnd at the rear panel. _SPK IX2 _BOP 1 2 1 2 IX1 _BGND DR2 _SPK_GND DR1 B3_P B3_P 3 5 5 1 + E C EL2257C 13 7 + E C EL2257C 9 EL2257C 9 E C + 7 3 EL2257C 13 E C + 1 14 - 8 2 6 6 D D D G G G D G S S S 11 S 2 U14:1 - U14:2 U13:2 - 8 U13:1 - 14 U14:3 EL2257C 4 _VBOT IX3 IX4 DR3 DR4 PM_REF QTY ITEM NO. PART NO. DESCRIPTION 4 11 U13:3 EL2257C VENDOR DR1 DR3 DR2 DR4 IX1 IX3 IX2 _BGND _VBOT _VTOP _VBOT _VTOP _BOP _BGND PM_REF C129 22u-25V _BOP _BGND 14 13 U21:1 1 2 3 8 9 11 12 U21:2 7 6 22u-25V C125 4 CA3054M96 U21:3 5 CA3054M96 CA3054M96 CW W CCW DN_DRV _VBOT UP_DRV C126 22u-25V HOT B3_N _BOP IX4 I_MON DIFF_AMP_BIAS Gain = 1/37.5 _V200 P_ISENSE 3 + 1 5 + 7 _BOP MUTE 2 - 5V=187V N_ISENSE 6 - _N_STEP -POLPositive = Clip 1 2 VP _SPK_GND 3 5 + 7 2 + 1 _BOP Values shown preclip a fixed 5 volts below the rails up to 15 amps of output current. After that, preclip advances 120 mV per ampere output, for 12v preclip at 70 amps. 6 7 5 + + 3 VN 6 - +POL+ + 10 12 14 15 -POL- 2 1 3 + 9 With values shown, the effective step switch time delay is 4us flat out to 50 KHz. 16 - 13 VP CLAMP_SIG Closed loop gain =37.5 or 31.5 dB VN 0.84 atten. CLIP _SPK 3 + 1 2 - VP PRE_LIM -POL5 + +15V_ 8 Gain = 1.67 7 6 -POL11 + 3 2 7 5 LOSS_OF_FEEDBACK 4 - 1 -15V_ 6 - 4 CLIP_FEED 8 DN_DRV REREF VP VP Limiter is shown in "fast clip-tracking"mode. To convert to a slow attack/release limiter, open the 3 places shown shorted with lines, and make the connection shown by the arrow line. VN VP GAIN_RETARD UP_DRV VN 8 SHED_V 7 SHED_V 6 PWR_GND 5 +15V PSENABLE_A 4 PSENABLE_A STANDBY 1 I_SET 3 I_SET MSP_VMON 2 MSP_VMON 2 PWR_GND D_GND 3 PSENABLE_K 1 PSENABLE_K MSP_IMON 4 MSP_IMON MODE_FLAG 5 280 KHz LPF CLIP_ 6 SIG_GND 7 -POL- 2 1 3 8 + +POL+ C88 47-10NP-10% CH_IN_N +POL+ CH_IN_P 9 +POL+ 1 J6:1 POT_TOP REREF 10 -POL-POL3 2 J6:2 REREF POST_POT_N 11 J6:3 POST_POT_N POST_POT_P 12 4 J6:4 POST_POT_P PRE_LIM 13 5 J6:5 SIG_GND +15V_ 14 B1_P STANDBY_LED 6 J6:6 STANDBY_LED SMPS_V 15 SMPS_ON 7 J6:7 SIG_GND -15V_ 16 B1_N PRE_LIM VP 8 J6:8 VP C63 22u-25V C68 22u-25V REREF VN 9 J6:9 VN +15V 10 J6:10 +15V PROTECT V_MON 11 J6:11 V_MON LOSS_OF_FEEDBACK CLIP 12 J6:12 PROTECT 13 J6:13 PWR_GND CLIP_FEED 14 J6:14 CLIP_FEED 15 J6:15 CLIP 16 J6:16 PWR_GND VP Current gain: 22,460. 3.0 mA total set curent results in 68A peak output. Minumum at full cut-back is 250 uA or 5.6A output. PROTECT VP DIFF_AMP_BIAS SMPS_ON MUTE STANDBY_LED G D PSENABLE_A

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