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File name:DLPTrainGuide.rar
[preview DLP-1]
Size:1161 kB
Model:DLP-1 🔎 DLP1
Original:DLP-1 🔎
Descr:DLP-1 chassis Projection TV TrainGuide
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name DLPTrainGuide.pdf

August, 2001 Training Materials Prepared by: Daniel Newman CONTENTS... 2001 DLP-1 Chassis Projection Television Information INSTRUCTOR... Alvie Rodgers C.E.T. DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics DMDTM Roadmap SVGA: 848x600; 508, 800 mirrors XGA: 1024x768 chip with black aperture; 786,432 mirrors SXGA: 1280x1024; 1,310,720 mirrors (continued) Page 0-01 DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics Two Mirrors The illustration shows a blow up of two mirrors on the DMD, one on and one off. Light hitting the "on" mirror will reflect through the projection lens to the screen. Light hitting the off mirror will reflect to a light absorber. Each mirror is individually controlled and is totally independent of all other mirrors. Each frame of a movie is separated into its red, blue, and green components and digitized into 1,310,000 samples for each color. Each mirror in the system is controlled by one of these samples. (continued) Page 0-02 DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics Two Mirrors With Lamp, Projection, Lens, and Light Absorber The "on" mirror reflects light into the lens and the "off" mirror reflects light into the light absorber. (continued) Page 0-03 DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics 1-Chip DLPTM Projection System White light is forced down onto a color wheel filter. This wheel spins in sequence with the red, green and blue video signal being sent to the DMDTM. Mirrors are turned on, depending on where and how much of each color is needed for each TV field. The human visual system integrates the sequential color and sees a full-color image. (continued) Page 0-04 DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics DMDTM Architecture Exploded view of an individual mirror on a DMD. Each 16 µm2 mirror on a DMD consist of these three physical layers and two "airgap" layers. The airgap layers separate the three physical layers and allow the mirror to tilt +10 or -10 degrees. (continued) Page 0-05 DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics DMDTM with Mirror Removal The top left view shows nine mirrors. The top right view shows the central mirror removed to expose the underlying, hidden-hinge structure. The bottom right shows a close-up view of the mirror substructure. The mirror post, which connects to the mirror, sits directly on the center of this underlying surface. Lastly the bottom left view shows several pixels with the mirror removed. (continued) Page 0-06 DLP-1 Chassis DLP Basics DMDTM Size Comparisons Micrographic photos of the tip of a pin, an ant's leg, and one granule of salt on the surface of a DMD. Each mirror is 16 µm2 with 1 µm separation between pixels. Page 0-07 DLP-1 CHASSIS Front & Rear Panels 55DM X01W Front Panel DLP-1 Chassis Controls and Connections POW ER LAMP TEMP POW ER HITACHI DO L B Y D I G I T A L TM D LP A T EX A S IN S TR U M E N TS TE C H N O LO G Y PUSH POW ER LAMP TEMP POW ER HITACHI DO L B Y D I G I T A L D LP TM A T EX A S IN S TR U M E N TS TE C H N O LO G Y AUDIO/ PC AUDIO S-VIDEO VIDEO L/(MO NO) R INPUT 2 INPUT TV/PC EXIT MENU SELECT VOL- VOL+ CHCH+ I

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