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PIONEER PAL007C free download

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® TDA7386 4 x 40W QUAD BRIDGE CAR RADIO AMPLIFIER HIGH OUTPUT POWER CAPABILITY: 4 x 45W/4 MAX. 4 x 40W/4 EIAJ 4 x 28W/4 @ 14.4V, 1KHz, 10% 4 x 24W/4 @ 13.2V, 1KHz, 10% LOW DISTORTION LOW OUTPUT NOISE ST-BY FUNCTION MUTE FUNCTION AUTOMUTE AT MIN. SUPPLY VOLTAGE DETECTION LOW EXTERNAL COMPONENT COUNT: ­ INTERNALLY FIXED GAIN (26dB) ­ NO EXTERNAL COMPENSATION ­ NO BOOTSTRAP CAPACITORS PROTECTIONS: OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUIT TO GND, TO VS, ACROSS THE LOAD VERY INDUCTIVE LOADS OVERRATING CHIP TEMPERATURE WITH SOFT THERMAL LIMITER LOAD DUMP VOLTAGE FORTUITOUS OPEN GND BLOCK AND APPLICATION DIAGRAM Vcc1 FLEXIWATT25 ORDERING NUMBER: TDA7386 REVERSED BATTERY ESD DESCRIPTION The TDA7386 is a new technology class AB Audio Power Amplifier in Flexiwatt 25 package designed for high end car radio applications. Thanks to the fully complementary PNP/NPN output configuration the TDA7386 allows a rail to rail output voltage swing with no need of bootstrap capacitors. The extremely reduced components count allows very compact sets. Vcc2 470µF 100nF ST-BY N.C. OUT1+ IN1 0.1µF OUT1PW-GND OUT2+ IN2 0.1µF OUT2PW-GND OUT3+ IN3 0.1µF OUT3PW-GND OUT4+ IN4 0.1µF AC-GND 0.47µF SVR 47µF D99AU1018 MUTE OUT4PW-GND TAB S-GND November 2001 1/9 TDA7386 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VCC VCC (DC) VCC (pk) IO Operating Supply Voltage DC Supply Voltage Peak Supply Voltage (t = 50ms) Output Peak Current: Repetitive (Duty Cycle 10% at f = 10Hz) Non Repetitive (t = 100µs) Power dissipation, (Tcase = 70°C) Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Parameter Value 18 28 50 4.5 5.5 80 150 ­ 55 to 150 Unit V V V A A W °C °C Ptot Tj Tstg PIN CONNECTION (Top view) 1 25 V CC AC-GND P-GND3 V CC P-GND2 P-GND1 P-GND4 S-GND OUT3- OUT2- OUT1- OUT2+ OUT1+ OUT3+ THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth j-case Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction to Case Max. Value 1 Unit °C/W 2/9 OUT4+ D94AU159A OUT4- ST-BY MUTE HSD SVR TAB IN1 IN2 IN4 IN3 TDA7386 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS = 14.4V; f = 1KHz; Rg = 600; RL = 4; Tamb = 25°C; Refer to the test and application diagram, unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Iq1 VOS dVOS Gv dGv Po Parameter Quiescent Current Output Offset Voltage During mute ON/OFF output offset voltage Voltage Gain Channel Gain Unbalance Output Power VS = 13.2V; THD = 10% VS = 13.2V; THD = 0.8% VS = 14,4V; THD = 10% VS = 13.7V VS = 14.4V Po = 4W "A" Weighted Bw = 20Hz to 20KHz f = 100Hz; Vr = 1Vrms PO = 0.5W f = 1KHz PO = 4W f = 10KHz PO = 4W VSt-By = 1.5V VSt-By = 1.5V to 3.5V (Amp: ON) (Amp: OFF) POref = 4W (Amp: Play) (Amp: Mute) (Amp: Mute) Att 80dB; POref = 4W (Amp: Play) Att < 0.1dB; PO = 0.5W VMUTE = 1.5V (Sourced Current) VMUTE = 3.5V (*) Saturated square wave output. Test Condition RL = Play Mode Min. Typ. 190 Max. 350 ±80 ±80 Unit mA mV mV dB dB W W W W W 25 22 16.5 26 37.5 43 26 24 18 28 40 45 0.04 50 70 27 ±1 Po EIAJ Po max. THD eNo SVR fch Ri CT ISB Ipin4 VSB out VSB in AM VM out VM in VAM in EIAJ Output Power (*) Max. Output Power (*) Dis

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