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File name:tuner Main.pdf
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Model:polytron 🔎
Original:BQ0 🔎
Descr:produk from polytron indonesia
Group:Electronics > Automobile
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +5V +32V R102 10R R105 4K7 R107 1K5 L103 0u47 TU101 L101 SCW IF_OUT 22uF/50V GND +5V +33V C102 10uF/50V GND C103 100n NC GND +VCC R124 100R GND B+ SDA SCL AS D101 TU 1N4148 CVB S REF VP AGC R103 4K7 C104 4.7uF/50V GND GND TAEW-G301D NON PIP : TAEW-G014D VAGC(1) AGND TAGC SIF2 SIF1 AFC OP2 VPLL NC C109 10n 22 19 21 24 23 20 GND R127 NC SF102 OFW9251 GND R104 NC 330R C119 470n C117 220n GND 18 16 17 15 14 13 T102 H945 R117 MAIN_CVBS 100R R116 100R C120 100pF GND GND GND L102 NC +5V MAIN_AGC R106 1K2 R108 47R C107 10n GND GND C127 1nF R111 NC GND R113 GND GND C118 1n5 C116 C131 1n5 R114 12K R101 180R C105 10n C106 18p C111 10n C128 GND NC R110 10R C110 47uF/16V GND A A C101 10uF/50V GND R109 470R T101 2SC388 XT101 4MHz R115 100K GND D102 NC GND GND C121 22uF/50V B +5V B R125 100R C132 R128 NC NC to AV Switch Connector IC101 GND +5V IC TDA9886 C124 56pF C130 100n C122 47uF/50V SIOMAD DEEMP FMPLL AUDIO DGND R118 5K6 R120 560R VI F1 VI F2 AFD SDA TOP SCL OP1 10 11 470n 6 12 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 C SF101 OFWG1863 C123 100pF L105 8u2 T103 C454 C125 1n2 GND GND C C108 10n GND 10n GND C114 C115 C129 1nF GND C112 390pF C113 10n GND GND GND R112 5K6 RT101 100R R122 L104 12uH R129 2K2 100R R123 GND R119 2K2 R121 47R T104 NC C126 GND 22K GND JF101 SCW R126 NC 10uF/50V SIF_Tuner_main GND MAIN_AGC ADJUST SDA SDA SCL SCL MONO_IN GND to Header AddOn Connector D D Title HBEF-002A Main Tuner Size A3 Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number Revision 03 2/23/2007 Sheet of D:\VID_PROJECT\..\MB02 Tuner Main_REV03update.SCHDOC Drawn By: Abdul Syakur 7 8

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