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Pioneer GM-X922 - GM-X1022 free download

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Descr:Service Manual For Pioneer Amps GM-X922 and GM-X1022.....Enjoy.....
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File name GM-X922 & GM-X1022.pdf

Service Manual BRIDGEABLE POWER AMPLIFIER ORDER NO. CRT2157 GM-X922 GM-X1022 X1R/UC, ES, EW X1R/UC CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SAFETY INFORMATION ...2 EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST ...3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ...8 PCB CONNECTION DIAGRAM ...10 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ...13 6. ADJUSTMENT...17 7. GENERAL INFORMATION ...18 7.1 IC ...18 7.2 DISASSEMBLY ...19 8. OPERATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS...20 PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-Chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, Japan PIONEER ELECTRONICS SERVICE INC. P.O.Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760 U.S.A. PIONEER ELECTRONIC [EUROPE] N.V. Haven 1087 Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE, PTE.LTD. 501 Orchard Road, #10-00, Wheelock Place, Singapore 238880 C PIONEER ELECTRONIC CORPORATION 1998 K-ZEU. FEB. 1998 Printed in Japan GM-X922, GM-X1022 1. SAFETY INFORMATION This service manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual. Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void the warranty. If you are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you should not risk trying to do so and refer the repair to a qualified service technician. UC model CAUTION This service manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer. Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual. Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void the warranty. If you are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely; you should not risk trying to do so and refer the repair to a qualified service technician. WARNING Lead in solder used in this product is listed by the California Health and Welfare agency as a known reproductive toxicant which may cause birth defects or other reproductive harm (California Health & Safety Code, Section 25249.5). When servicing or handling circuit boards and other components which contain lead in solder, avoid unprotected skin contact with the solder. Also, when soldering do not inhale any smoke or fumes produced. 2 GM-X922, GM-X1022 2. EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST 2.1 PACKING 10 3 4 5 2 8 6 9 9 7 Fig. 1 3 GM-X922, GM-X1

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