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File information:
File name:KOD 4725 - OPCII SERVICE.pdf
[preview код 4725]
Size:67 kB
Mfg:опции пдф
Model:код 4725 🔎
Original:--- 🔎
Descr:опции за модел с код 4725 включен DK-BG sistema
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits > Memory
Multipart:No multipart

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File name KOD 4725 - OPCII SERVICE.pdf

OSD IF1 IF2 IF3 IF4 AGC VLIN RGBH VSOF VPOF HSOF 080 004 059 003 062 059 045 000 -13 -04 -27 HPOF HTOF WR WG WB BR BG APR FMP1 NIP1 SCP1 -06 -24 048 045 039 028 029 001 009 021 008 SEC1 FMP2 NIP2 SCP2 SEC2 F1H F1L F2H F2L BS1 BS2 008 016 018 017 017 00001011 01010010 00011101 00000010 00000001 00000010 BS3 CB OP1 OP2 OP3 OP4 OP5 TX1 GEOM OP8 00001000 10001110 10101001 00011001 00100101 11111111 11100001 01000110 00000000 00000000

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