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Hughes & Kettner Tube Factor free download

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Mfg:Hughes & Kettner
Model:Tube Factor 🔎
Descr:guitar amp
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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GD/ 17.11. 99 SERVICE DOCUMENTATION Tube Factor GD/ 17.11. 99 Inhaltsverzeichnis/ Contents 1 Schaltpläne/ schematic diagrams 2 Bestückungspläne/ component parts 3 Bestellnummern/ order no. 4 Bestellinformationen/ ordering informations 5 Technische Daten/ technical data GD/ 17.11. 99 1 Schaltpläne/ schematics GD/ 17.11. 99 2 Bestückungspläne/ component parts GD/ 17.11. 99 3 no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bestellnummern/ order no. Tube Factor schematic position AC power pack AC power pack AC power pack AC power pack transformer 1 P1 (drive) P2 (output) P3 (voicing) D21- D27 IC 1 IC 2 IC 3 C30 C37 C38 Rel 1 tube 1 tube socket J1- J2 (input/ output) J3 (remote) J6 (ac) enclosure profile enclosure front enclosure sides enclosure pane screws pane screws side profile bottom foot on/ off switch factor 1/ 2 switch pot knob name UK Europe USA/ CAN Japan transformer pot pot pot diode OP Amp Multiplexer OP Amp hv cap hv cap hv cap relay tube socket jack jack jack alu profile front panel side profile acrylglass M3 x 8 4 x 40 rubber foot switch switch pot knob specs 240V 230V 117V 100V EI 15V/ 250V/ 2VA 250 K log, mono 250 K log, mono 50 K lin, stereo 1N4007 NE5532A HCF 4053 NE5532A 15u/ 450V ax 15u/ 450V ax 15u/ 450V ax 12Vdc/ 2 x um ECC83/ 12AX7A 9pin/ pcb mount ¼ phone jack mono " ¼ phone jack stereo " ac inlet 150 mm steel sheet left + right plastic profile print: Hughes & Kettner hexagon, vz black 155 x 145 mm CIC 01-690B CIC 01-690B K7 black/ black part no. E 958 093 E 958 090 E 958 091 E 958 092 E 958 049 E 914 044 E 914 044 E 914 005 E 934 023 E 940 004 E 940 002 E 940 004 E 926 006 E 926 006 E 926 006 E 946 003 E 944 007 E 944 003 E 952 038 E 952 041 E 952 016 E 970 275 E 970 277 E 970 255 E 970 276 E 974 221 E 974 314 E 972 029 E 950 011 E 950 011 E 966 037 GD/ 08.11. 99 4 Bestellinformationen/ ordering informations Bestellinformationen und Ersatzteilbestellungen Deutschland: Music & Sales Leipziger Straße 3 D- 66606 St. Wendel Service Tel.: 06851/ 905 333 Fax: 06851/ 905 100 E-mail: [email protected] Technische Fragen Tel.:06851/ 905 330 E-mail: [email protected] Sparepart orders and technical questions for all other countries: contact your local distributor or Hughes & Kettner Leipzigerstr. 3 66606 St. Wendel Germany Tel.: +49 6851/905 210 Fax: +49 6851/905 200 Email: [email protected] GD/ 17.11. 99 5 Technische Daten/ technical data Tube Factor Eingang/ input: Input: Buchse/ connection: Bauart Eingang/ input type: Eingangsimpedanz/ input impedance: min.Empfindlichkeit/ min.sensitivity: max. Eingangspegel/ max.input level: ¼ phone jack " unbalanced 1 M - 40 dB +17 dB Ausgänge/ outputs: Line Out: Buchse/ connection: ¼ phone jack " Bauart Ausgang/ output type: unbalanced Ausgangsimpedanz/ output impedance: 2 k max. Ausgangspegel/ max.output level: +6 dB (preamp on) max. Ausgangspegel/ max.output level:+12 dB (preamp off/ bypa

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