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GCC jaguar III free download

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File information:
File name:Jaguar III user manual.pdf
[preview jaguar III]
Size:1908 kB
Model:jaguar III 🔎
Descr:Cut plotter
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Printers
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Jaguar III user manual.pdf

Jaguar III series User Manual ` Great Computer Corporation © V2.1 2005/6/17 NOTICE GCC reserves the right to modify the information contained in this user manual at any time without prior notice; un-authorised modification, copying distribution or display is prohibited. All comments, queries or suggestions concerning this manual please consult with your local dealer. V2.1 2005/6/17 Jaguar III User Manual Important Information Thank you for purchasing the SignPal Series ­ Jaguar III Cutting Plotter. Before you use the cutting plotter, please make sure that you have read the safety precautions and instructions below. ! Caution SAFETY PRECAUTIONS! For safety concern, please always hold the cutter firmly from the bottom wh moving t. Do not move the cutter by clasping the depression area on both sides. O (correct) X (Incorrect) Do not shake or drop the blade holder, a blade tip can fly out. During an operation, do not touch any of the moving parts of this machine (such as the carriage). Also be careful to make sure that clothing and hair do not get caught. Always connect the power cable to a grounded outlet. Always use the accessory power cablewhich is provided. Do not wire the power cable so that it becomes bent or caught between objects. Do not connect the power cable to branching outlet to which other machines are also connected, or use an extension cable. There is danger of overheating and of mis-operation of the machine. Keep the tools away from children where they can reach. Always put the pinch rollers within the white marks. Important Information Jaguar III User Manual Warning Never press the top release grip and pull the bottom release grip at the same time as the pictures shown below: (CORRECT) (INCORRECT) Press down Press down Stop DISABLE Note: In case the grips clipped together due to your wrong operation, please use

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