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Now downloading free:Adi GD-910

Adi GD-910 free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:adi_gd910t.rar
[preview GD-910]
Size:2619 kB
Model:GD-910 🔎 GD910
Descr:Schematics for ADI G900, GD910t monitors
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart:No multipart

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File name GD910T-adjust.pdf

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File name GD910T-back.pdf

Back cover assembly and disassembly instruction 1. Assembly a. Put the CRT surface side of the monitor down to the protential table mat. b. Insert the video cable through the back hole of the back cover. c. Put down the back cover slowly. d. Ensure the back cover is inserted well into the base side of the bezel. e. Push down the top side of the back cover lightly to insert it into the bezel. f. Lock the screws to its both sides, totaly 4 pcs. g. In sert two covers of screw into holes of back cover. 2. Disassembly a. Pull up two covers of screw from the back cover both side. b. Lossen the screws of its both sides. c. Pull up the back cover lightly by the rear side of the back cover. d. Take off the back cover. Bezel screw hole Back cover screw hole Swivel base Screws
File name GD910T-exploded.pdf

5 4 3 2 REV. PRINTING NO. DESCRIPTION PART NO. 1 REMARK 25 26 24 E 1 23 2 3 4 5 21 x6 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 22 6 7 4x 9 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 16 14 15 x2 MATERIAL PROJECTION 20 19 18 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ITEM 2 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 QTY PB481A002 NC530A000 PA769A006 PA776A006 PA791A007 SA302E002 MD479A015 MC892A013 C6881T008A G6881T002A G6883T004A PC246A000 G6882T003A PA767A004 AU083S091 AU063B908 LKC811A003S LG323A000 SG601M561 LZ323A001P MD244A023 MD467A023 AK421G790 C6882T009A MD468G053 MA248G001 PART OR IDENTIFYING NO. COVER, SCREW, BUCKET LABEL, ID ASS'Y, BUCKET ASS'Y, BASE SHEET, FILLER T-SCREW SHIELD, BOTTOM BKT, MAIN B/D MAIN B/D FUNCTION BOARD VR BOARD KNOB LED + POWER SWITCH BOARD ASS'Y, BEZEL ASS'Y, MIC. W/SHIELD ASS'Y, CRT GND WIRE 19" CRT DEGAUSSING COIL T6, HEX HEAD FBT ASS'Y, SHIELD SHIELD, BOTTOM CRT B/D CABLE, WIRE P. C. B. CRT SHIELD, TOP CRT B/D SHIELD, EMI NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION PARTS LIST D C B ADI CORPORATION PART NAME GD-910T-1 APPLIED FINISH DRWN CHK APVD DATE DATE DATE Assembly, G910 UNIT mm SCALE PART NO. TOLERANCE A ISSUE 4/28/2000 FILE NO. WE097A003 SHEET A 1 1 OF
File name GD910T-recparts.pdf

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File name GD910T-trouble.pdf

GD910T-1 Trouble Shooting Flowchart 1. Vertical Oscillator GD910T-1 Service Manual 1 of 18 Vertical Oscillator Defective Is The Screen Rolling Vertically? YES Check Vertical Sync From U101 #52 NO OK Does Vertical Oscillator Waveform Appear at U801 # 24 ? NO Check Vertical Circuit of U801 YES Check Vertical Output IC U601 Circuit End 1 2. Defective ABL GD910T-1 Service Manual 2 of 18 Defective ABL Is the Q409 In Good Condition? NO Replace Q409 YES Is the D414 In Good Condition? NO Replace D414 YES Does DC-45V Appear At VR403? NO Replace VR802 or Recheck 45V Source YES End 2 3. Picture Brightness Too High/Too Low GD910T-1 Service Manual 3 of 18 Picture Brightness Too high/Too Low Raster Too Bright Raster Too Dark Adjust Screen VR FAIL OK Adjust Gain (See White Balance Adjustment Process) Check G1 (-30V) Check Q413,Q414 Check Video Output Circuits Check Q411,Q412 Check Spot Killer Circuit Q416,Q415 End 3 4. No Video Raster Only No Picture GD910T-1 Service Manual 4 of 18 Is The Raster Too Bright ? YES Check B+ (78V) NO Does DC-78V, 16V And 4.7V Heat Appear At The CRT Board ? YES NO If 16V or 4.7V Heat Fail Then Check Power Source Does Video Waveform And DC 4.7 to 5V Appear At CRT Socket pin8,pin6,pin10, pin11? YES NO Does Video Waveform Appear At C754,C753,C752 YES NO Replace U702 Check Video Input Check U702 And Related Components OK Does DC-0V Appear At U701 # 10 ? YES NO Replace U201,R724 Check U701 # 18, # 26, # 27, # 28 End 4 5. H.V. & Hold Down Abnormal GD910T-1 Service Manual 5 of 18 H.V. Hold Down Abnormal Does The HV Drive Waveform Appear At Q408 "Gate" NO Check D416/R402/ Q430 and Related Components YES Does PWM Sync Waveform Appear At U401 pin 9 ? NO Check U401 and Related Components YES Does PWM Feed Back Voltage Appear At U402 pin 2 ? Abnormal Check ZD419/R433/ R422/R430/C435/ R434/VR401 And Related Components YES Check U402 And Related Components End 5 GD910T-1 Service Manual 6. Horizontal Deflection Defective Horizontal Deflection Defective 6 of 18 Is Picture On The Screen Normal ? One Vertical Line Check U801 And Relafed Component Replace Q801,Q802,Q826,Q8 05,T802,T801 YES Does The H-Out Waveform Appear At R824 ? NO Replace U801,U802,Q801, Q802 YES Is The H-width Function Normal ? NO Replace T803 And Related Components YES Is H-width Within Range For Each Mode ? NO Replace T803 And Related Component or Re-adjust H-Limit YES Is Geometry Adjustment Function Normal ? NO Replace U801 End 6 7. H-Hold Unstable GD910T-1 Service Manual 7 of 18 H-Hold Unstable Does the H-Sync Waveform Appear At U801 # 15 YES NO Re-Initialize Default Value at Logic or Replace U101 Does the H-Oscillator Waveform Appear At U801 # 29 YES NO Replace C809, U801 and Relater Component Is U801 #8 H/O Frequely changed When adjust H-frequency? NO Check U801 YES Does The feed-back H-pules Waveform Appear At U801 #1? NO Replace C825,C818 End 7 GD91
File name GD910T-wiring.pdf

B B A G2 Gray color White color Red color Fig.. 1. Wiring from FBT to CRT/B. B302 B301 B801 Fig.. 2. Deflection Yoke connector wiring. To CRT/B B702 B102 B101 B103 B401 B902 Fig. 3. Wiring from the CRT and Bezel - 1. B701 B703 B704 K403 K402 Fig. 4. Wiring from the Main Board and CRT Board.

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