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Now downloading free:Aiwa TV-SE141, TV-SE211

Aiwa TV-SE141, TV-SE211 free download

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File name:STI_G-A1-024-E0_©_.pdf
[preview TV-SE141, TV-SE211]
Size:15 kB
Model:TV-SE141, TV-SE211 🔎
Original:G-A1-024-E0 🔎
Descr:Service Technical Information. Problem: Audio Malfunction
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
Multipart:No multipart

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File name STI_G-A1-024-E0_©_.pdf

1/1 Service Technical Information MODEL NO. TV -SE141 / SE211 SUBJECT Audio malfunction REF.No. :G - A1 - 024 - E0 DATE :14. JUN. 2001 Noise enters into the data line(SDA/SCK) of IC404(volume controller) and causes the following symptoms. Sound cuts out intermittently. One channel becomes louder than the other. Add a capacitor to the data line(SDA/SCK) of IC404(volume controller) and compose a noise filter(Lands are available). IC404 Circuit diagram SDA SCK 9 IC1 5pin IC1 4pin C474 100pF 10 Add C474 and C475 C475 100pF Pattern diagram Enlarged diagram AUDIO PWB IC404 10 9 Apprecable section IC404 C475/100pF C474/100pF CN404 Ref. C475,C474 G - R - Parts Code 87- 010- 322- 080 Code No. - Description C- CAP,S 100P- 50 J CH GR Modified Ser. No. - Remarks - Parts Schedule - Access Code -

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