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Now downloading free:SIGA TND-5000VA

SIGA TND-5000VA free download

Computer power supply, dc power supply, atx , switching, high voltage, uninterruptible power supply, laptop and other service manual and repair information.

File information:
File name:TND-5000VA.rar
Size:682 kB
Model:TND-5000VA 🔎 TND5000VA
Descr:Electrical diagrams
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Power supply
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name TND-5000VA components list.txt

LM324N -2buc. L7815CV L7812CV BG1, BG4, BG5, BG6,BG7,BG8 -S8050 (npn) BG2,BG3 -S8550 (pnp) D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9 -1N4007 D10,D11,D12,D13,D14 -1N4148 C1,C3 -220uF/50V C2,C7,C9,C10 -100uF/35V C4,C5 -33uF/25V W1,W2 -2.2K R0 -10K (6.8K) R1 -6.2K R2,R5 -2K R3,R4 -430 R6,R15 -1.6K R7 -1K R8a -3K R9,R23,R28 -1M R10 -750 R11,R26 -15K R12 -4.7K R13 -180K R16,R20,R22 -9.1K R17,R18,R19,R21,R30 -3.3K R24 -7.5K R25 -1.2K R27 -100K R29 -2.7K R31 -470 K3 -Relay 12Vdc (30Aac/250Vac)

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