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Shure M64A free download

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Model:M64A 🔎
Descr:Phono Preamp User Manual
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Car Audio
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File name us_pro_m64a_ug.pdf

SI m IU B M E SOUND OF M E R)(XEYIONALl@ U K ) R L W I M 222 HARTREY AVENUE E v A N s T o N . ILLINOIS 60202-3696 U.S.A. DATA SHEET MODEL M64A STEREO PREAMPLIFIER L M I C R O P H O N E S AND ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS A The Shure Model M64A Stereo Preamplifier provides the proper input and output impedances, voltage gain and equalization necessary to operate magnetic phono cartridges and tape playback heads with audio amplifiers having no equalization. A low-noise and lowdistortion device, the M64A permits further signal processing without appreciable degradation in signal-tonoise ratio. In addition, the preamp can be used without equalization for a microphone input or as a buffer amplifier. Typical Applications Permits turntable to be used with PA mixers and amplifiers without phono inputs Converting stereo record pickup systems from ceramic to magnetic cartridges Microphone preamplifier Low-gain buffer amplifier (where long cable lengths are extended to a preamp input) The M64A has a single three-position slide switch for selecting Phono, Tape or Flat frequency compensation. The Phono position provides the standard RIAA equalization for phonograph records. In this mode, magnetic phono cartridges can operate into auxiliary level inputs, inputs without RIAA equalization, or ceramic phono cartridge inputs. The Tape position provides playback heads on tape recorders with standard 7-112 ips NARTB equalization. In the Flat position, the M64A can be used as a flat-response microphone preamplifier, or as a buffer (isolation) amplifier for magnetic phono cartridges when long cable lengths or switching systems are necessary between the turntable and main equalized amplifier (note that the low-level outputs should be used when operating the M64A as a buffer amplifier). The M64A's inputs and outputs are standard phono pin jacks. Both high- and low-level outputs are provided, so that the M64A can be connected to either high-level auxiliary inputs or low-level microphone inputs (or equalized phono or tape head inputs in buffering applications). A grounding screw is provided for hum pickup reduction. The M64A as supplied operates on 120 Vac, 50160 Hz. An internal selector switch (qualified service personnel only) permits operation from 240 Vac, 50160 Hz sources. The unit can also be modified for balanced line output. The M64A is listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Copyright 1989. Shure Brothers Inc. 27A8086 (IF) SPECIFICATIONS Gain (Measured at 1 kHz; input through 680 ohms; output terminated in 47 kilohms) Switch Position Phono Flat Tape High-Level Output + 34.5 dB + 27.5 dB +37 dB Low-Level Output +11 dB + 4 dB + 13.5 dB Frequency Response Phono: + 2 dB of Standard RIAA curve from 40 Hz to 15 kHz Flat: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, + 2 dB Tape: 2 dB of 7-1/2 ips NARTB curve from 50 Hz to 15 kHz * 60 $ Y2 0 40 - 30 20 20 100 FREQUENCY 1000 IN HERTZ 10,000 20.000 TYPICAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE FIGURE 1 Total Harmonic Distortion Less than 1% with 2V output at

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