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Now downloading free:Scientific Atlanta EPX2203

Scientific Atlanta EPX2203 free download

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File name:EPX2203_eng.rar
[preview EPX2203]
Size:214 kB
Mfg:Scientific Atlanta
Model:EPX2203 🔎
Descr:WebSTAR Cable Modem EPX2203 Description end Features
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Network equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name EPX2203_eng.pdf

WebSTAR Cable Modem EPX2203 Description The WebSTARTM EPX2203TM Cable Modem features an embedded media terminal adapter (EMTA) and two RJ-11 telephone ports for voice services as well as an RJ-45 Ethernet port and a USB port for high-speed data connectivity. The hardware platform of the EPX2203 is designed to comply with Euro-PacketCable 1.0 and Euro-DOCSIS® 2.0 specifications. The standard EPX2203 provides two voice CODECs: G711 and G728. Other CODECs are available on request. Call signaling is compliant with Euro-PacketCable's Network Call Signaling (NCS) specifications. The EPX2203 can be equipped with an optional battery pack that can provide up to 11 hours of standby operation or 8 hours of active calling in the event of an AC power failure. Many third-party battery backups are also compatible with the EPX2203. The housing of the EPX2203 incorporates a hide-away stabilizer bar that pivots out when standing the unit on end or it tucks neatly away when the unit is set horizontally on a desktop or when wall-mounted. WebWizard To facilitate setup and troubleshooting, the EPX2203 includes WebWizard, a browser-based graphical user interface. WebWizard facilitates both setup and troubleshooting and eliminates the need to load setup software on the CPE. In addition, the seven LEDs on the front panel provide an informative and easy-to-understand display that indicates cable modem status and real-time data transmission activity. Features · Designed to comply with Euro-DOCSIS 2.0 and Euro-PacketCable 1.0 specifications · Embedded Media Terminal Adapter provides two lines of voice · Battery backup powering options · Attractive compact design · WebWizard graphical user interface for simple setup · Enhanced bi-directional performance maximizes data throughput · Stands vertically, lies flat on the desktop, or mounts easily on the wall · Bridged 10/100BaseT Ethernet port with Auto-MDIX and a USB port to facilitate quick connectivity to Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) for high-speed data service · Rugged electronic components for long-term reliability · Support for up to 64 users (1 USB port user and up to 63 users on user-supplied Ethernet hubs) · USB 1.1 drivers for Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, and XP · Support for Broadcom's Propane packet header suppression · Software upgradeable by network download · Remote manageability through SNMP V1/V2 and V3 · CD-ROM containing user's guide and USB driver installation software Colditzstraße 28 Bau 4A D-12099 Berlin Germany Fon: +49 (0)30 / 710 963 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)30 / 710 963 - 50 [email protected] VTechnisch Specifications:: VoIP Network Signaling Protocol Codecs RF-Downstream Frequency Range Demodulation Maximum Data Rate Bandwidth Operating Level Range Input Impedance RF-Upstream Frequency Range Modulation 5 MHz to 65 MHz 16 QAM QPSK 64 QAM 128 QAM TCM 10.2 Mbps for 16 QAM 5.12 Mbps for QPSK 30.0 Mbps for A-TDMA and SCDMA 200 kHz to 6.4 MHz +8 dBmV to +58 dBmV 75 ohms 12 or 15 VDC 6.6 Watts

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