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Denon DN2000F free download

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DENON MCIDEL DOUBLE PLAYER CD Hi- Fi Com ponent SERVICE MANUAL DN.?cIcIcIF uulu[ulllllllllllllllllllllllll TABLEOF CONTENTS O P E R A T I N I N S T R U C T I O N.S. G . DISASSEMBLY LOADERFRAMEASSEMBLING NOTEFORHANDLINGOFLASERPICK-UP SERVOADJUSTMENT IC TERMINAL FUNCTION LIST . PRINTED PARTS LIST .. WIR]NG BOARD PRINTED WIRING BOARD PATTERNS PARTSLISTOFEXPLODEDVIEW. EXPLODED AND CABINET VIEWOF CHASSIS PARTSLISTOF -sOMECHAUNIT FG EXPLODEDVIEWOFFG-sOMECHAUNIT . PARTSLISTOF RC-35REMOTE CONTROL UNIT EXPLODED VIEW OF RC-35REMOTE CONTROL UNIT WIRINGIAGRAM D DIAGRAM SCHEMATIC SEMICONDUCTORS ..2-12 ..13-15 ...16 ...,.17 ...18 . .22-30 .33.34 ...35.36 ...38 . . . . . .39 ...40 ...40 . . . .40 . . . . . .41 ...42 ..43.44 ...4547 NIPPON COLUMBIA CO..LTD. EN.ffitFr DISASSEMBLY OTOPCOVER 1. Remove4screws @ . on rear side. 2. Pull up TOP COVER. onbothsides,andlscrew@ O FROI{TPANEL mechanism unit is pushed. 2. Pull up LOADERPANELyh(e pullingit towardsfront. *d 3 lowerscrews @ 3. n"rou" z upperscrews @ DetACh FRONTPANEL. nnCX @ ot SLIDE comes when out FRAME 1. LOADER 13 r DN.EOCrIF UNTT O MECHANISI' 1. DisconnectffCca!!a 4 2. Remove screwsqQ!) . FFC to Note: O Do notpulloutaslant prevent cabledamage. before O Donotfailto pullACcordfromwalloutlet the disconnect FFCcable. plugged walloutlet, into lF ACcordis remained poweris keptsupplied the unit,whichmaycause in danger. . MECHA.PWBANdPWB BASE Mecha.PWB Locking Card Spacer PieceHold PWB Base Connector 1 . UnlockLockingCard Spacerat two places. 2. Rotate MecfraPWB uprards (approx. 45"), and take off fromPiee Hold. 2 3. Remove screws@ detachable. thenPWBBaseis on botr sides, '14 E N.ECEIOF I . CLAMPER Pull damper and undo 4 hooks. CONTROLITNIT) o covER (REMOTE ano4 @ 1. Remove5soews(1@ ). RemoteControlUnit (RC-35) 15 r E N.aooclF LOADERFRAMEASSEMBLING 1. Slide the slide rack locatedinner side of the loaderframe, and set the lock lever as shownin the belowfigure. Slide Rack. byfinger 2. Rotatethe gearportionof liftcamcounterclockwise until it comes stopper part. At this time, confirmthe drive mechanismthat is placedin loweredposition. DriveMecha...UP DriveMecha...DOWN and chassis theditchof loader Fittheguideof mechanism chassis. frame themechanism on frameandputtheloader of At thistime,makesurethatthefrontsurface the loader position thelrontsurf from ace frame setat20mm is extruded chassis. of mechanism ri-----------ir LoaderFrame I Qr_1i{9 r { rlQuids x Mecha.Chassis. q \\/i t3 LoaderFrame 4VN...7/1p4** l l\ : - u l 20mm ffi Front Insertthe clamperfrarneto the mechanismchassisuntil it locks. 16 E'N.aoooF I I{OTE FOR HANDUNGOF LASERPICK.UP I}ESCRIPTION THE COIU|PONENTS OF direction +Z-axis +X-axis cliredion Objectlens OP Slide base Slide rack 1 Doubleaxes cover LO2 Flexibleboard ,/ +Y-axis Y-axis (Tangential direction) Flexible flat cable connector X-axis (Radial direction) Label day o o o o year (lastfigure) I qua

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