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Now downloading free:NMOS NMOS 200W Amp

NMOS NMOS 200W Amp free download

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File name:NMOS 200W Amp.rar
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Model:NMOS 200W Amp 🔎
Original:NMOS 200W Amp 🔎
Group:Electronics > GSM Mobile Phones
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File name Nmos200 - TO220 schematic.pdf

+ POS 50v max. C5 470R 470R 47R R4 R9 R12 0.1uF F2 4A C11 0.1uF C12 100uF 63v BC556 BC556 T9 R16 100R BD140 / MJE350 C4 T6 220R R20 1R0 1R0 MJE340 R23 27R T11 R24 27R T13 Transistors T6 & T7 must be mounted on small heatsinks T8, T9, T10 plus the output FETs are mounted on a common heatsink bracket that is bolted to the main heatsink R27-R35 are 2 watt high temp devices. All other resistors are 0.5 watt metal film T2 T3 2 x IRF840 or similar C3 330pF T1 R6 33R T5 39pF C7 470R R13 0.1uF R18 27K T8 C9 10pF 1R0 1R0 R27 R29 R31 R33 C1 1uF R2 1K0 C2 330pF BC546 R3 220R R5 VR1 1K0 BC546 VR2 220R R10 Output R34 1K0 10R R19 200R 27K 100R BC546 C8 100UF R21 C10 .047uF 47R R1 10R 10K 220R R7 22K T4 BC546 1N4148 D1 R8 1N4148 D2 R11 T7 R14 MJE350 R17 100R T10 R26 27R R25 27R T12 T14 2 x IRF840 or similar BD139 / MJE340 47R 220R 1R0 1R0 1R0 1R0 R15 C6 0.1uF R22 R28 R30 R32 R35 C13 0.1uF C14 100uF 63v F1 - NEG 50v max. 4A
File name Nmos200 - TO247 schematic.pdf

+ POS 50v max. C5 470R 470R 47R R4 R9 R12 0.1uF F2 4A C11 0.1uF C12 100uF 63v BC556 BC556 T9 R16 100R BD140 / MJE350 C4 T6 220R R20 0R22 R29 MJE340 R24 27R Transistors T6 & T7 must be mounted on small heatsinks T8, T9, T10 plus the output FETs are mounted on a common heatsink bracket that is bolted to the main heatsink R29 & R30 are 5 watt types. All other resistors are 0.5 watt metal film T2 T3 T13 IRFP260 or similar C3 330pF T1 R6 33R T5 39pF C7 470R R13 0.1uF R18 27K T8 C9 10pF C1 1uF R2 1K0 C2 330pF BC546 R3 220R R5 VR1 1K0 Output BC546 VR2 220R R10 1K0 10R R19 R34 200R 27K 100R BC546 C8 100UF R21 C10 .047uF 47R R1 10R 10K 220R R7 22K T4 BC546 1N4148 D1 R8 1N4148 D2 R11 T7 R14 MJE350 R17 100R T10 R26 27R T12 IRFP260 or similar BD139 / MJE340 47R 220R 0R22 R15 C6 0.1uF R22 R30 C13 0.1uF C14 100uF 63v F1 - NEG 50v max. 4A
File name Nmos200 TO220 Layout & Tracks.pdf

Nmos200 TO220 version 220R 1K0 Nmos200 TO220.LAY [Board 4] 13/06/2007 6:50:57 PM Nmos200 TO220.LAY [Board 4] 13/06/2007 6:55:10 PM
File name Nmos200 TO247 layout & Tracks.pdf

Nmos200 TO247 version 200R 1K0 Nmos200.LAY [Nmos200 - TO247] 13/06/2007 7:13:52 PM Nmos200.LAY [Nmos200 - TO247] 13/06/2007 7:15:15 PM

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