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Daewoo 1997 CIELO/NEXIA(LHD) free download

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File name:cielo1997_en.pdf
[preview 1997 CIELO/NEXIA(LHD)]
Size:1517 kB
Model:1997 CIELO/NEXIA(LHD) 🔎
Descr:This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the operation and maintenance of your new DAEWOO and to provide important safety information.
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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File name cielo1997_en.pdf

CIELO/NEXIA(LHD) OWNER'S MANUAL FOREWORD This manual has been prepared to acquaint you with the operation and maintenance of your new DAEWOO and to provide important safety information. We urge you to read it carefully and follow the recommendations to help assure the most enjoyable, safe and trouble-free operation of your vehicle. When it comes to service, remember that your DAEWOO dealer knows your vehicle best and is interested in your complete satisfaction. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing a DAEWOO product and assure you of our continuing interest in your motoring pleasure and satisfaction. This manual should be considered as a permanent part of your vehicle, and must remain with the vehicle at the time of resale. DAEWOO MOTOR CO., LTD. INCHON, KOREA IMPORTANT NOTICE Please read this manual and follow its instructions carefully. To emphasize special information, the words WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE have special meanings. Information following these signal words should be carefully reviewed. All informations, illustrations and specifications in this manual are based on the latest product informations available at the time of publication. Daewoo reserves the right to change specifications or design at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation whatsoever. This vehicle may not comply with the standards or regulations of other countries. Before attempting to register this vehicle in any other country, check all applicable regulations and make any necessary modifications. This manual describes options and trim levels available at the time of printing, and therefore, some of the items covered may not apply to your vehicle. If any doubt exists about any of the options or trim levels, please do not hesitate to contact your Daewoo dealer for information on the latest specifications. We would like to point out that non-Daewoo Genuine parts and accessories have not been examined and approved by Daewoo, and in spite of continuous market product monitoring, we cannot certify the suitability nor the safety of such products whether they are installed or intended for fitment in our vehicles. Daewoo is not liable for any damage caused by the use of non-Daewoo Genuine parts and accessories. WARNING The instructions must be observed in order to reduce the risk of personal injury. Please read these warnings; if you don't, then you or others could be hurt. CAUTION These instructions point out special service procedures or precautions that must be followed to avoid damaging the vehicle. Your Daewoo car or other property can be damaged if you don't follow these instructions. NOTE Notes provide special information which makes maintenance easier or important instruction clearer. * This asterisk in this manual signifies that an item of equipemt is not included in all vehicles (model variants, engine options, models specific to one country, optional equipment, etc.) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CAR

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