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Carvin Valve Master free download

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PULL - MID BOOST N/C P6.S1 C20 D R13 220K V1.A 1 2 3 R12 1.5K C12 10 L1-A 4 C15 560PF 8 6 R1 2.2M D R3 220K 1/2W V1.B 6 7 8 R2 1.5K C2 .01 400V D 12mV @ 1K = 25V @8 185V C13 .001 cw P5 5A500K C14 250PF C22 B4 .001 C27 560PF R20 100K R21 47K cw C23 .0022 R22 10K C25 .001 N/C cw CHANNEL 2 DRIVE D R15 220K 1/2W 160V V2.B 6 7 8 R14 4.7K C16 10 D1 1N4745 D3 1N4745 D2 1N4745 D4 1N4745 D R18 220K 1/2W 185V 47K .0022 400V 2 3 R17 560 C18 10 N/C P1.S1 N/U C10 C9 .047 400V R8 220K C8 N/U JUMPER R9 N/U C11 N/U 1 V2.A C19 .047 400V 560PF R19 100K C21 .0022 R16 C17 400V TREB P9 B100K C26 .0022 P6.S2 R25 R24 15K +3V RELAY L1-B 13 1 16 D5 100K P7 B1MEG BASS C24 .047 MID P8 15A25K C54 N/C P1.S2 N/U R11 N/U N/U cw R23 22K 9 CH2 CH1 INPUT J1 P6 B250K PULL POT 11 VOLUME 2 + + 30mV @ 1K Hz = 28V @ 8 C28 2200µF 6V D7 C29 2200µF 6V CHANNEL 1 C5 82PF R7 220K 1/2W D10 VOLUME 1 C7 cw 330PF R4 150K cw C3 .001 C4 .033 195V 6 V3.B 7 8 R6 1K R10 N/U R27 100 R28 100 DC FILIMENTS FOR V1,V2 4,5 C30 2200µF 6V C31 2200µF 6V D6 D8 D9 BASS C1 P2 10 B1MEG R5 100K cw TREB P4 B1MEG 9 F4 1 AGC + P1 B100K + C6 .0047 QC16 MID P3 15A25K cw R60 4.7K C42 C41 .001 400V R47 100K R44 C40 10 22K C43 .047 P10 B100K R43 22K + R46 C R41 560 560 R45 100K 3 2 V5.A 1 R49 100K 1 R51 220K C45 .047 400V 300V C37 N/U H4B-2 C36 .0022 R36 220K S3-A H4B-1 H4A-1 H4A-2 R52 220K C46 47/63V + QC5A QC5B 5 R64 4.7K H2B-2 R65 4.7K 8 E 3 V8 4 27PF 300V V5.B 6 7 8 C44 .047 400V H2A-1 H2B-1 R61 4.7K 3 1 5 8 B6 V6 4 D R42 220K 1/2W 280V C39 60mV @ 3K = 25V @ 8 -3dB @550Hz .047 R40 1MEG V3.A 2 3 1 30-77703 2/2 220mV INPUT @1K=25V @ 8 8 5 4 V7 RETURN J3 H1B-3 H1A-3 R48 100K R50 220K 1 3 B1 C B4 C33 180PF R32 0 R31 2.2M 8 R33 220 V4.B 7 6 25V @ 8 = 25V NO TANK LOAD R34 47K 1W 250V C35 .047 400V QC1 QC3 QC2 QC4 D R38 220K 1/2W 190V V4.A 1 2 3 R37 560 B5 R39 100K C38 .001 400V REVERB 70-00927 REVERB H2A-2 350 5W 8 5 1 3 4 V9 R67 350 5W GND C34 10 R35 2.2M 100 100 QC6B H3A-3 SET P11 FOR 100mA ACROSS STANDBY IN 100W POSITION P11 R53 22K C cw 20K BIAS ADJ D12 1N4007 R54 100K C47 .047/600V QC6A 445V 415V 385V R55 4.7K C49 1W 22 500V R56 2.2K C50 1W 22 500V R57 350 C51 10W 22 500V 455V C52 22 500V FOOTSWITCH FS22 TIP H10-1 S10 D CHANNEL SLEEVE H10-2 C48 22 500V D13 RING H10-3 S11 D14 REVERB 1N40071N4007 D15 D16 1N40071N4007 GNDA GNDB 30-77701 L2-B 9 13 11 H1A-2 R25 100K R26 22K 30-77703 1/2 SEND B5 H1A-1 H1B-1 J2 B1 H1B-2 30-77706 +3V RELAY L2-A 8 4 1 16 C32 .1 R30 2.2K R29 10 1/2W H3A-2 H3B-2 H3B-1 H3B-4 R71 10K H7A-1 H7A-2 H6-1 H6-2 R72 10K C71 .022 C72 180PF 6 H9A-1 H9A-2 H9B-2 PRESENCE 2 H9B-1 cw P15 15A25K H8B-1 H8B-2 PRESENCE 1 30-77705 cw P14 15A25K GAIN / OUTPUT FUNCTION CH1 INPUT 18mV FREQ. 1K SPEAKER OUTPUT 25VAC 8 TONE ALL FULL 8dB @ 10K Hz CH2 CH2 30mV .3mV 60mV 1K 1K 3K 28 VAC 8 DRIVE STARTS TO CLIP 25VAC 8 FULL H5-2 REVERB REC. -3dB @ 300Hz LAMP H5-1 4.6VAC 30-77707 H8A-1 C70 .01 R70 1K H8A-2 REVERB D

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