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Model:chassis LM 🔎
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Descr:LM Service Manual_Circuit Diagram Compact Z1J190R-4_ Beko
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File name LM Circuit Diagram Compact Z1J190R-4.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D D DVB-AIN-L DVB-AIN-R + C603 MCR-AIN-L MCR-AIN-R C579 1.5nF + R555 t168 R556 t169 C580 1.5nF 100 C604 t173 100 t174 22 21 23 24 R339 t179 R340 t180 0 VDD VDD VDD VDD PGND PGND PGND PGND 0 t181 HDMI-AIN-L t182 HDMI-AIN-R t200 R394 1K C620 1nF GND GND AMP_STANDBY +5V_MAIN GND +5V_MAIN GND +8V_SW_OFF J303 J304 J305 J306 0R * * 0R t204 t205 C628 470nF GND C627 470nF 9 t183 10 t208 14 t209 C631 470nF 13 11 17 18 19 20 NC C473 22nF 4 3 1 2 8 GND + t189 C583 1.5nF C R561 t190 C586 1.5nF R562 100 100 C6094.7uF/16V t193 t194 C610 4.7uF/16V + LOUD_OUT_L t195 t196 12 14 15 11 + 100 100 t191C605 t192 C606 4.7uF/16V 4.7uF/16V t197 t198 1 5 2 4 10 9 6 7 16 IC319 X0 X1 X2 X3 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 A B EN VEE VDD 74HC4052 C542 1uF GND GND X Y 13 3 PC-AIN-L PC-AIN-R LOUD_OUT_R C621 1nF GND T319 2N7002 t203 INR+ IC321 MAX9704 GND GND 0 AV_SW_A AV_SW_B +8V_SW_OFF R376 4.7K t229 R378 t223 4.7K t226 C543 10nF GND GND B DTV_AIN_L DTV_AIN_R C589 1.5nF + R574 R575 C592 1.5nF 100 t230 C611 100 t231 C612 4.7uF/16V 4.7uF/16V t234 t235 T307 BC848B AV_SW_A R379 AUDIO_SWB t238 AUDIO_SWA 1UF25V C641 t247 IC320 12 14 15 11 1 5 2 4 10 9 6 7 16 t270 t271 X0 X1 X2 X3 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 A B EN VEE VDD 74HC4052 C545 1uF C356 100nF SUBWOOFER_STBY GND GND C419 10nF GND AV_SW_A AV_SW_B AUDIO_SWB AUDIO_SWA FUNCTION 3.3uH/2.9A + SVHS_ARIN_L SVHS_ARIN_R C588 1.5nF 3 t227 C590 1.5nF IDTV-SVHS_ARIN_L IDTV-SVHS_ARIN_R + 1 EN2 GND 0 C587 1.5nF C591 1.5nF C616 C618 C593 1.5nF C594 1.5nF IDTV-SVHS_ARIN_L IDTV-SVHS_ARIN_R GND L L A IDTV-SVHS_ARIN_L IDTV-SVHS_ARIN_R 1 2 + SCART_ALIN_L2 SCART_ARIN_R2 t269 + GNDR572 t263 R573 t265 100 100 t268 C617 + SCART_ALIN_L1 SCART_ARIN_R1 GNDR570 R571 t264 100 100 t266 C615 t267 4.7uF/16V 4.7uF/16V 3 4.7uF/16V 4.7uF/16V + R569 100 t233 + GND t224 R568 100 C613 4.7uF/16V t232 t237 SUBWOOFER tp310 C623 1nF R506 10K C640 R706 t246 10K 1UF25V C417 10nF t248 1 + + HDMI1_AUDIOL HDMI1_AUDIOR R557 t187 R558 t188 GND + + C701 + C699 4.7uF/16V 4.7uF/16V t175 t176 DVB_AIN_L DVB_AIN_R L334 3.3uH/2.9A +12V AUVDD t184 4.7uF/16V 4.7uF/16V t177 t178 C638 220U %20 /25V C446 100nF C447 100nF C639 220U %20 /25V GND GND GND GND R701 100R 31 32 t211 29 30 t212 L335 22uH 053516 L339 22uH 053516 t216 t217 t215 C450 100nF C649 1UF25V GND GND GND R713 100R GND L340 22uH L341 22uH C478 22nF t222 C475 22nF C477 22nF t221 GND C480 22nF C472 22nF t219 C476 22nF t220 C479 22nF GND t186 GND C474 22nF INLINL+ REG AGND OUTL+ OUTL+ OUTLOUTL- tp309 HS350 ARC COOLER C448 100nF C619 1nF GND GND C S308 1 2 3 4 MOLCON4 CIP SHDN GAIN1 GAIN2 FS1 FS2 SS OUTR+ OUTR+ OUTROUTRCIN CHOLD 6 5 7 12 27 28 t213 25 26 t214 R712 100R +5V_MAIN +5V_MAIN C630 470nF C632 t218 470nF GND C355 100nF R395 1K tp311GND C622 1nF 15 t206 16 t207 tp313 INR- C451 100nF tp314 C481 22nF C629 470nF GND R658 100 GND R714 100R GND R567 AUDIO_MUTE GND GND t199 100 t202 +8V_SW_OFF GND R377 4.7K 4.7K t239 t240
File name LM Service Manual Beko.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL LM CHASSIS CONTENTS PAGE Safety Instructions 3 Technical Specifications 4 Features 5 Inputs/Outputs Diagram 6 Remote Control 7 Set Apperance 8 Service Adjustments 9 Block Diagram 12 Power Supply Diagram 13 Data Sheet VCT4993 14 Data Sheet MST6181 16 Data Sheet MTV512 24 Data Sheet TVP5150A 26 Parts List 32 Circuit Diagram Attached SAFETY PRECAUTIONS GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. Always use the manufacturer's replacement safety components. The critical safety components marked 5 High temperature & high humidity with on the schematics diagrams should not be reduce the life-time. by other substitutes. Other substitute may create the LCD is not proper to be used at high temperature electrical shock , fire or other hazards. Take and high humidity. Please keep specified attention to replace the spacers with the originals. temperature and humidity condition. Furthermore where a short circuit has occurred , replace those components that indicate evidence of 6- Keep out of Corrosive Gas. overheating. Corrosive gas effect the polarizer and the circuit 2. After servicing , see that all the protective devices chemically and cause defects accordingly. such as insulation barriers, insulation papers, shields and isolation R-C combinations are correctly 7 - Electrostatic discharge can make installed. Damage 3. When the receiver is not being used for a long time of period of time , unplug the power cord of the There are electro-static sensitive components such Adaptor from the AC outlet. as CMOS in LCD Module. Please earth human body when handle the LCD.In addition, please do not touch the interface connector pin with bare. Color TFT LCD Module is very sensitive both electrically and physically.Users, therefore, are requested to follow the 8- Do not operate for a long time under the same pattern "Guidance of handling color TFT LCD Module"on the followings. Operating LCD for a long time under the same pattern can cause image persistence and can 1- Be careful not to make scratch on the damage it. Ple

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