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Now downloading free:Sanyo CE27LC3-B

Sanyo CE27LC3-B free download

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[preview CE27LC3-B]
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Model:CE27LC3-B 🔎 CE27LC3B
Original:CHASSIS-UB4-B 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV
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File name Sanyo. CE27LC3-B-00_CD CDC-1522.pdf LCD MODULE X AV3-IN K1401 POWER UNIT CN65 CN1 CN K14Y SIDE AV UNIT R L HEADPHONE K1402 INVERTER ASSY,PWB,SENSOR,N2PJ 1AA0B10H072AF PWB,SENSOR,N2DJ 1AA4B10N0820F PB1801 A4B10N0820F:A4B10N08200 CN66 L606H6 2400030 L606H4 2400030 L606H3 L606H1 2400030 2400030 CN61 L606H7 2400030 L606H12 2400030 L606 L26B3610N Choke Coil is required for EMC(Power harmonics) CN60 CN71 CN67 CN63 CN70 CN2 R1892 1/16GF 6.8KC TH1891 DHXAVB 011G AV UNIT X AV1 SCART K1001 KSP901 J31B06900 FN901 1AA4M10B21000 FN901 1AA4M10B21000 FN902 1AA4M10B21000 KSP902 J31B06900 CL1895 NT1 CL1894 NT1 SC1892 SC1892B X C1891 10KZ 1UGQF C1892 10KZ 1UGQF L1891 L2PD 2R2MG FN901A Z21B0211N FN901A Z21B0211N R1891 1/16 GZ0C NT1 R C L FN902A X CL1891 NT1 CL1892 CL1893 NT1 1 K18N J10AU040N 4 KFN1-FN1 **** KFN1-FN1 **** KFN2-FN2 X X K16P KP2A K16Q K16W K16V K16R KFAN1 KFAN2 KFAN3 KSP9R KSP9L K8M K7N K7M K7L KP2B KY AV2 SCART K1002 KP3 X KP4 K10X MAIN UNIT TUNER KX K1003 X KPGN AUDIO MONITOR OUT ASSY,PWB,AC-LINE,N2DJ PWB,AC-LINE,N2DJ 1AA0B10H072AB 1AA4B10N0820B RF-IN KJ K8J K8R KCPA KJTAG K1801 SECONDARY K19J KAC2 J10B2170N CL612 NT1 K19R K95R 1 (LIVE) 3 (NEUT) CL611 NT1 C603 250GM0.1XBC: 250HM0.1XD: 250MK0.1VA: 275GM0.1VDA PRIMARY NT1 NT1 CL614 CL613 IR-LED UNIT C607 250KK470XH: 400KK470XP CL610 NT1 KEY UNIT Terminal guide N/2 E B C B E C NT1 CL617 CL618 NT1 L604 F35B1290N CL609 NT1 C606 250KK470XH: 400KK470XP L603 F35B1290N 250GM0.1XBC: 250HM0.1XD: 250MK0.1VA: C601 275GM0.1VDA SCREW S601 X S601B X S602 S602B X X CL608 NT1 NT1 NT1 L601 Z20103XXA: B4Z21B0090N CL606 NT1 R603 1/2DJ 220K VA601 ENC471 D14A CL607 L602 Z20103XXA: B4Z21B0090N NT1 N/2 + 1 1 A K S603 X S603B X S604 S604B X X CL605 NT1 SC601 VA602 ENC471D14A Z30B 0170N F601B F601A J20B00100: J3EZ0333-: J20B0170J CL619 F601 4A250VTCSL NT1 CL603 NT1 NT1 LIVE CL604 NT1 NT1 CL602 CL601 EC NT1 B NT1 N CL616 CL615 2 3 4 1 K601 U20B61300 NT1 A K A AC CORD 1AV4W11B16900: 1AV4W11B17000 B C E B C E K 9 1 0 AC230V C : Collector B : Base E : Emitter A : Anode K : Kathode 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 67 Chip Components COLOUR TELEVISION CHASSIS SERIES UB4-B CE27LC3-B CE27LC3-B-00 MODEL NUMBER The service Precaution: The area enclosed by this line ( ) is directly connected with AC mains voltage. When servicing the area, connect an isolating transformer between TV receiver and AC line to eliminate hazard of electric shock. Product safety notice: Product safety should be considered when a component replacement is made in any area of a receiver. Components indicated by a mark /!\ in this circuit diagram show components whose values have special significance to product safety. It is particularly recommended that only parts specified on the part service manual be used for components replacement pointed out by the mark. SERVICE REF.NO. 8. This circuit diagram covers a basic or Circuit diagram notes : re
File name Sanyo. CE27LC3-B-00_SM CDC-1522.pdf Colour Television Service Manual Model CE27LC3-B Service Ref. No. CE27LC3-B-00 PRODUCT CODE: 111373418 ORIGINAL VERSION: Chassis No. UB4-B CE27LC3-B Please use Schematic Diagram SKP20444 with this Service Manual. Give complete "SERVICE REF. NO." for parts order or servicing, it is shown on the rating sheet on the cabinet back of the TV set. Note This TV receiver will not work properly in foreign countries where the television transmission system and power source differ from the design specifications. Refer to the specifications for the design specifications Contents Safety precautions/Specifications ...2 Block diagrams ...3 Cabinet Disassembly ...4 Adjustment and Repair Procedures...5~9 CPU Port Functions ...10 IC Block Diagrams ...11~13 Pin description of semiconductors ...14 Part Description and reading of schematic diagram ...15 Cabinet Parts List ...16 Electric Parts List ...17~26 Part No. SKSM0721 N2PY JULY 2004 SAFETY PRECAUTION 1: An isolation transformer should be connected in the power line between the receiver and the AC line when a service is performed on the primary of the converter transformer of the set. 2: Comply with all caution and safety-related notes provided on the cabinet back, inside the cabinet, on the chassis or the LCD display . 3: When replacing a chassis in the cabinet, always be certain that all the protective devices are installed properly, such as, control knobs, adjustment covers or shields, barriers, isolation resistor-capacitor networks etc. Before returning any television to the customer, the service technician must be sure that it is completely safe to operate without danger of electrical shock. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Product safety should be considered when a component replac

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