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Now downloading free:National LM1203B

National LM1203B free download

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Model:LM1203B 🔎
Original:LM1203B 🔎
Descr:100 MHz RGB video amplifier system
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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LM1203B 100 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System January 1996 LM1203B 100 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System General Description The LM1203B is an improved version of the popular LM1203 wideband video amplifier system The device is intended for high resolution RGB CRT monitors In addition to three matched video amplifiers the LM1203B contains three gated differential input black level clamp comparators for brightness control and three matched attenuator circuits for contrast control Each video amplifier contains a gain set or ``Drive'' node for setting maximum system gain or providing gain trim capability for white balance The LM1203B also contains a voltage reference for the video inputs The LM1203B is pin and function compatible with the LM1203 Features Y Y Y Y Y Y Y b 3 dB) Three wideband video amplifiers (100 MHz Matched ( g 0 1 dB or 1 2%) attenuators for contrast control Three externally gated comparators for brightness control Provisions for individual gain control (Drive) of each video amplifier Video input voltage reference Low impedance output driver Stable on a single sided board Applications Y Y Y Improvements over LM1203 Y Y Y Y High resolution RGB CRT monitors Video AGC amplifiers Wideband amplifiers with gain and DC offset controls 100 MHz vs 70 MHz bandwidth VOUT low tr tf Built in power down spot killer 0 15V vs 0 9V 3 7 ns vs 5 ns Block and Connection Diagrams 28-Lead Molded DIP TL H 11489 ­ 1 Order Number LM1203BN See NS Package Number N28B C1996 National Semiconductor Corporation TL H 11489 RRD-B30M66 Printed in U S A Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) If Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications Supply Voltage (VCC) Pins 1 13 23 28 (Note 3) Peak Video Output Source Current (Any 1A) Pins 15 20 or 25 Voltage at Any Input Pin (VIN) Power Dissipation (PD) (Above 25 C Derate Based on iJA and TJ) Thermal Resistance (iJA) Junction Temperature (TJ) 13 5V 28 mA VCC t VIN t GND ESD Susceptibility (Note 4) Storage Temperature Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds) 2 0 kV b 65 C to a 150 C 265 C Operating Ratings (Note 2) Temperature Range Supply Voltage (VCC) b 20 C to a 80 C 10 8V s VCC s 13 2V 2 5W 50 C W 150 C DC Electrical Characteristics See Test Circuit (Figure 2) TA e 25 C VCC1 e VCC2 e 12V S17 21 26 Open V12 e 6V V14 e 0V V15 e 2 0V unless otherwise stated Symbol IS V11 Parameter Supply Current Video Input Reference Voltage Conditions VCC1 a VCC2 RL e % (Note 7) Typical (Note 5) 70 28 Any One Amplifier Clamp Comparators On Clamp Comparators Off V14 e 0V V14 e 12V V5 8 or 10 e 0V V5 8 or 10 e 5V V5 8 or 10 e 0V V5 8 or 10 e 5V Between Any Two Amplifiers V15 e 2V Between Any Two Amplifiers V15 e 4V 7 12 16 b1 Limit (Note 6) 95 25 31 Units mA(max) V(min) V(max) mA(max) V(max) V(min) mA(max) mA(max) mA(min) mA(min) V(max) V(min) mV(max) mV(max) Ib V14l V14h I14l I14h Iclamp a Iclampb VOL VOH DVO(2V) DVO(4V) V

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