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Now downloading free:Toshiba SC-335

Toshiba SC-335 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:Toshiba SC-335 Schematic Diagram.pdf
[preview SC-335]
Size:503 kB
Model:SC-335 🔎 SC335
Original:Cdn model 🔎
Descr:Audio 2 Ch. Power Amplifier
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Toshiba SC-335 Schematic Diagram.pdf

)osn l r ôé SC-335 (cJn.-oJ.l) SCHEMATIC DIAGHAM (t "+a) to 1 +- 3 9v 4.i!Æof 6.A ret a T .t f l.c *ur I | (n\y) TR II np Rl7 3.9X 2Scl624-Y o3 o5 o7 TR7 _2SA84I.BL lô.6v b r--t--1 R CH. ^c.41. rR r rn:ME5l3A-R Rr5 47K - ldle+ R23 q47rzw) 230 71,8 - O Ft I A R"7. lolrw) cl3 OJ Jj 2SA814-Y - i? v I I t,, l: : R CH : Signol Polh f4.6v] I LCH i Silnoi r" Poth ;Â I o2z]É[ or (zw) /4. (tw) R-16. 4J s9 ôê9 - aoé8 I TR2,4 25A84tL Fr& t5K 2SCr624-Y TRA ïR r2 ?sD7 t 8- O co4 lO!/351É ) TR4 M85r3A- R 33ï,.*, R2s ,q rouwl crq O.f! crÀ 43ln 25B68g: R< J O 4C r20V 6OHz cr.s,,, as6 688 asD 714 itaÀ. ovT l aT' J I if EC B ,rl \ tl 2SCr68i 2S484 | v Uâ. ltl B C __ 8dt. Emirler Power fr.1 -- Collêctor W 2SC r624 2SA 814 E - r.àns tôrrqer 4{ 2ooe/of/a? n.1-- l2'^ p s l--a s +3gu rh , be rl SC -3 3S Râg D'3 ch. r/\> ^^ C L1 c t5. /ot,/1ov ( CJn, .wtoJ.t) Dr' r3 r-à vt (I "f a) akÀ R3J ekù R35 39o r, IA 9.7a/la ts s3 fdj;r -39v sr SI). l;elecr 9W. Mol Pou,er Mèfer nInA lorr ov i'#i,'i".,i' (ô u " o \ \'_1{. o ')l ;, 'lerminulf 1#É Ê"3À îk â L c^. F. Tl t6 lo4/sov ) htcc, R3o 39o Dltf Al) V RO3,

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