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KA75XXX VOLTAGE DETECTOR VOLTAGE DETECTOR The KA75250/270/290/310/33/36/39/42/45 prevents error of system from supply voltage below normal voltage level at the time the power on and instantaneous power off in systems. TO-92 FEATURES · · · Detecting against error operations at the power ON/OFF. Resetting function for the low voltage microprocessor. Checking low battery 1.Input 2.GND 3.Output BLOCK DIAGRAM ORDERING INFORMATION VCC æ 1 Device KA75250 PKG Operating Temp. 3 OUT è KA75270 KA75290 KA75310 KA7533 KA7536 KA7539 TO-92 -30~ + 75 Î VREF + - KA7542 KA7545 GND ç 2 Rev. B ©1999 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation KA75XXX ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (T A = 25Î) Characteristic Supply Voltage Detecting Voltage Hysteresis Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Power Dissipation Detecting Voltage Temperature Coefficient Symbol VCC VDET VHYS T OPR T STG VOLTAGE DETECTOR Value 0.3 ~ +15.0 2. 5/2.7/2.9/3.1 3. 3/3.6/3.9/4.2/4.5 50 - 30 ~ + 75 - 50 ~ + 150 200 RL = 200 Unit V V LV /LT DET PD `, ä0.01 Î Î Mw /Î mV ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25Î) Characteristic Detecting Voltage Symbol VDET Test RL = 200 VOL 0.4V ` Conditions KA75250 KA75270 KA75290 KA75310 KA7533 KA7536 KA7539 KA7542 KA7545 Min 2.35 2.55 2.75 2.95 3.15 3.45 3.75 4.05 4.35 Typ 2. 5 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.5 Max 2.65 2.85 3.05 3.25 3.45 3.75 4.05 4.35 4.65 0.4 0.1 Unit V Low Output Voltage Output Leakage Current Hysteresis Voltage Detecting Voltage Temperature Coefficient Circuit Current (at on time) Circuit Current (at off time) Threshold Operating Voltage "L" Transmission Delay Time "H" Transmission Delay Time Output Current (at on time I) Output Current (at on time II) VOL ILKG VHYS DET RL = 200 RL RL VCC = 15V LV /LT ICCL ICCH VTH(OPR) tOL tOH IOLI IOLII ` = 200` = 200` `, V 0.4V = 1.0K`, C = 100pF = 1.0K`, C = 100pF OL L L ï ï ï ï sA / V 30 ä0.01 50 VCC = VDET(MIN) - 0.05V VCC = 5.25V RL = 200 RL RL VCC = VDET(MIN) - 0.05V, T C = 25 VCC = VDET(MIN) - 0.05V, T C = -30 ~ + 75 Î ï ï 0.6 ï ï 7 8 300 30 0.8 10 15 17 16 Î 500 sA 50 sA 1.0 V ï sS 20 sS 27 mA 30 mA 100 mV Î KA75XXX TEST CIRCUIT 1. VOLTAGE DETECTOR A1 1 V1 KA75XX 2 A2 RL 3 10u 10V + M TEST CIRCUIT 2. 1 0.3u/ 100V KA75XX RL 3 M 5.0V 10u/ 100V + INPUT PULSE 2 TEST CIRCUIT 3. VCC 1 KA75XX 3 LED 2 RL KA75XXX VOLTAGE DETECTOR APPLICATION CIRCUIT VCC 1 RESET VCC CPU GND KA75XX 3 2 TRADEMARKS The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks. ACExTM CoolFETTM CROSSVOLTTM E2CMOSTM FACTTM FACT Quiet SeriesTM FAST® FASTrTM GTOTM HiSeCTM DISCLAIMER ISOPLANARTM MICROWIRETM POPTM PowerTrenchTM QSTM Quiet SeriesTM SuperSOTTM-3 SuperSOTTM-6 SuperSOTTM-8 TinyLogicTM UHCTM VCXTM FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION

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