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- - MODEL 3608 VECTOR NETWORK ANALYZER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MANUAL =====Wiltron= 490 JARVIS DRIVE. MORGAN HILl., CA 9503702009 PiN: lQ411J.<)0116 REVISION: C PRINTED: FEBRUARY 1994 COPYRIGHT 1992 WILTRON CO. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 - General Information Provides general information about the S60B Vector Network Analyzer system, which includes a Jist of related manuals, service information, static handling procedures, and a list of recommended test equipment. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 2 - 360B VNA System Describes overall operation, which includes an overall system block diagram. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 3 - 360B VNA System Performance Tests Provides performance tests for the three system confIgUrations based on test set model: 36lXA1362XA, 3630Al36S1A, and 3635E. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 4 - 360B VNA System Troubleshooting Provides system troubleshooting tables for isolating problems to the malfunctioning major assemb· ly. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 5 - 360B VNA Information Describes the VNA unit. which includes a block diagram. Also provides remove and replace procedures. Chapter contents are detailed immediately .following the tab. Chapter 6 - 36XXA Test Sets, General Information Provides description and remove and replace procedures for the test sets covered in this manual. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 7 - 361XA1362XA Test Sets Information Provides an overall description and block diagram of the Model 36lXA1362XA Test Set. along with descriptions of individual PCBs and RF components. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 8 - 3630Al3631A Test Sets Information Provides an overall description and block diagram of the Model 3630Al3631A Test Set, along with descriptions of individual PCBs and RF components. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab, 360BMM i Table of Contents (Continued) Chapter 9 - 3635B Test Set Information Provides an overall description and block diagram of the Model 3635B Test Set, along with descrip tions of individual PCBs and RF components. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Chapter 10 - 360SSXX Signal Source Information Describes the 360S847 and 360SS69 Signal Sources. Chapter contains full service and trouble shooting information, which includes description, block diagrams, troubleshooting, performance tests, adjustments, and remove and replace procedures. Chapter contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Appendix A - Model 363XA Test Set Operation Provides operation information for the 3630A and 3631A Test Sets. Appendix contents are detailed immediately following the tab. Appendix B - 360ACM Auxiliary Control Module Maintenance Information Describes the 360 ACM. Appendix contains full service and tro

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