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Now downloading free:Compaq COMPAQ S410c, S500, S510, S700, S710, S900, S910, M510 and M710 Monitors

Compaq COMPAQ S410c, S500, S510, S700, S710, S900, S910, M510 and M710 Monitors free download

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File information:
File name:Compaq Monitor Inf Win98.rar
Size:136 kB
Model:COMPAQ S410c, S500, S510, S700, S710, S900, S910, M510 and M710 Monitors 🔎
Descr:COMPAQ S410c, S500, S510, S700, S710, S900, S910, M510 and M710 Monitors
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
Multipart:No multipart

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File name README.TXT

TITLE: Compaq Commercial Monitors Windows INF/ICM disk - Standard series Version 4.20 Rev. A CATEGORY: Monitors PRODUCTS AFFECTED: COMPAQ S410c, S500, S510, S700, S710, S900, S910, M510 and M710 Monitors OPERATING SYSTEM: Microsoft Windows 95 and 98 EFFECTIVE DATE: 29 February 2000 ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION ALLOWED: Yes SUPERSEDES: n/a DESCRIPTION: This diskette contains the MONOPT_s.INF and *.ICM color profiles for configuring Compaq Commercial Standard series monitors under Windows 95 and 98. INF AND ICM DESCRIPTION : The INF file designates software and defines monitor resources used by Microsoft Windows 95 and 98 to ensure monitor compatibility with your computer's graphics adapter. The INF file for Compaq Commercial Standard series monitors is called "Monopt_s.inf". In order for the INF file to work correctly, it must be copied to the ..\WINDOWS\INF folder. Once the INF file has been copied to the proper Windows folder, it is recommended to restart Windows (with the monitor connected) in order for the proper resolutions to appear in the Display control panel. The ICM color profile is used in conjunction with graphics programs (operating under Microsoft Windows 95 and 98) to provide color matching consistency from monitor screen to printer. The *.ICM profile should be copied to the ..\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COLOR folder for Microsoft Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0. The ICM file is activated from within the graphics programs that have this feature. The ICM color profile is not operating system specific, and is written in accordance to the ICC Profile Format Specification. ICC stands for the International Color Consortium. Note : The M510 multimedia monitor utilizes the same color profile as the Compaq S510 monitor. The M710 multimedia monitor utilizes the same color profile as the Compaq S710 monitor. HOW TO USE: First, determine which version of Microsoft Windows is installed. Right-Click your mouse on the My Computer icon and click Properties. One of the following Windows versions will be listed; use the correct install procedures listed below for your version: 1. Microsoft Windows 98 2. Microsoft Windows 95 4.00.950 (Standard Windows 95 Installation) 3. Microsoft Windows 95 4.00.950 A (Standard Windows 95 Installation with Service Pack 1) 4. Microsoft Windows 95 4.00.950 B (Windows 95 OEM Service Pack 2) installation) **To install the INF and ICM files for Microsoft Windows 98: 1. Click START -> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL. 2. Double-click the DISPLAY icon. 3. Click the SETTINGS tab, then click the ADVANCED... button. 4. Select the MONITOR tab, then click CHANGE -> NEXT -> NEXT. 5. Select "Specify a location" and use the BROWSE function to locate the following directory on the Standard series diskette

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