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McIntosh MAC 4100 free download

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File name:MAC4100 brochure.pdf
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Model:MAC 4100 🔎
Descr:McIntosh Mac 4100 Stereo Receiver factory Brochure. Please enjoy ;-)
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File name MAC4100 brochure.pdf

MAC 4100 The MAC 4100 is the most Value Packed Receiver in the world The MAC 4100 comes with walnut grained vinyl cabinet 1. FIVE BAND PROGRAM EQUALIZER Five separate controls allow great flexibility when compensating for program deficiencies. 2. "LED" POWER OUTPUT INDICATORS Two columns of seven yellow "LED" indicators provide an indication of the amount of power being fed to your speakers. 3. POWER GUARD INDICATOR AND PROTECTION CIRCUIT Two red "LED" power guard indicators indicate when the power amplifier has reached full output. At this point the power guard circuit begins to control amplification dynamically so that you will not hear the harsh distorted sound of square wave clipping. In addition your speakers are protected from burnout. 4. ELECTRONIC AUDIO SIGNAL SWITCHING FET analog switches are used to give smooth switching transition from one input to another without clicks and pops. 5. SUPER-TRACKING VOLUME CONTROL The volume control is a precision stepped at- tenuator which has left to right tracking accuracy within 1 dB throughout its entire range. System balance is maintained at all listening levels. 6. LESS THAN 0.05% TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION Harmonic distortion does not exceed 0.05% when measured from the phono input to the speaker output from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at all power levels from 250 mW to full rated output. 7. TRUE VARIABLE LOUDNESS COMPENSATION CONTROL The loudness control operates independently of the volume control and its contour is accurately modeled after the Fletcher Munson family of "equal loudness" curves. 8. DUAL TAPE MONITOR AND TAPE COPY SWITCHES Two tape recorders can record simultaneously from the program being listened to or you may record from one to the other without interfering with the "Listen" program. 9. SPEAKER SWITCHES FOR THREE SETS OF SPEAKERS Three sets of loudspeakers may be used one at a time, two together, or all three simultaneously. 10. SPEAKER PROTECTION CIRCUITS 14. the equivalent of the inductors normally used in equalizer filters. This eliminates the hum pickup or inductance non linearity that often occurs from conventional inductors. MOS-FET FM FRONT END Loudspeakers are protected from burnout by the Power Guard circuit and also by other circuits that instantaneously disconnect the speakers in the event of the presence of DC on the output. 11. PREAMP OUTPUT · POWER AMP INPUT CONNECTIONS Great signal sensitivity together with freedom from strong signal overload is made possible by using MOS Field Effect Transistors in the FM RF circuits. 15. ULTRA STABLE LINEAR-PHASE PIEZOELECTRIC FM IF FILTERS Back panel connections provide the ability to insert room equalizers, reverberation units or other signal processing devices. 12. LOW NOISE ION-IMPLANTED J-FET OP-AMPS 16. The IF filters are permanently sealed and never require adjustment. The IF response curve is extremely selective because of its very steep slope either side of center and yet it has a linear phase characteristic. AUTOMATI

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