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SONY DSC-HX1 free download

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File information:
File name:SONY DSC-HX1 SECTION 6 ADJUSTMENTS AUTO-ADJ VER 1.0 2009.03 (9-852-686-51).rar
[preview DSC-HX1]
Size:36 kB
Model:DSC-HX1 🔎 DSCHX1
Original:9-852-686-51 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Photo > Digital cameras
Multipart:No multipart

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File name SONY DSC-HX1 SECTION 6 ADJUSTMENTS AUTO-ADJ VER 1.0 2009.03 (9-852-686-51).pdf

DSC-HX1 Ver. 1.0 2009.03 Auto-ADJ Revision History (ENGLISH) For adjusting these models, the Adjust manual and the Adjust station are required. For details of installing the Adjust station and the Adjust manual, please refer to the Service manual ADJ of DCR- SR77E/SR87/SR87E. Adjust station It is the software to start Adjust manual for the specified product. Adjust manual It is the software to adjust and check digital cameras and camcorders for service. The executable file (.exe) for each product is available. For the operating procedure of the Adjust manual, after starting the Adjust manual software, please refer to "About the Adjust manual software" on the `NOTE' tab. Note: In case of updating the Adjust manual or the Adjust station program, install with overwriting it. Adjust manual Installation Note 1: Be sure to install Adjust station first. Note 2: Do not change the initially set folder to which the program is forwarded to. 1. Download the Adjust manual (DSC-HX1 Series AM Ver_ . r .zip) from ESI home page. 2. Double-click setup.exe. 3. The installation window appears. Click [Next]. Adjust manual installation starts. 4. The widow to choose the destination folder of the Adjust manual program appears. Click [Next]. 5. When Adjust manual is installed normally, the confirmation window appears. Click [Finish]. The installer is closed. 2009C0800-1 DSC-HX1_ADJ © 2009.03 9-852-686-51 Sony EMCS Co. Published by Kohda TEC (JAPANESE) " " DSC-HX1_ADJ --2-- Reverse 985268651.pdf Revision History S.M. Rev. Ver. Date History Contents issued 1.0 2009.03 Official Release -- -- DSC-HX1_ADJ

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