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KS-F500 KS-F500 SERVICE MANUAL CASSETTE RECEIVER KS-F500 Area Suffix Detachable SCM 40Wx4 KS-F500 DETACHABLE CONTROL PANEL LOUD MO EE ---- Russian Federation SSM DISP RPT SCAN AM FM TAPE Mult Mus i ic Scan When servicing this unit, please refer to the KS-F550R (No.49547) service manual, which has been issued previously. A part different from KS-F550R was described in this manual. Contents Parts list Printed circuit board Standard schematic diagrams VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITED MOBILE ELECTRONICS DIV. PERSONAL & MOBILE NETWORK B.U. 10-1,1Chome,Ohwatari-machi,Maebashi-city,Japan 1-2 1-4 1-5 (No.49564) Printed in Japan 200005(V) This service manual is printed on 100% recycled paper. COPYRIGHT 2000 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LTD. No.49564 May. 2000 Parts list(General assembly) A ltem 2-2 3 30 41 48 LCD1 Parts number KS-F550RE FSJD3020-01C FSKL2001-001 FSXP2041-003 FSYN3125-D005 FSKS3020-001 QLD0100-001 KS-F500EE FSJD3020-01D FSKL2001-002 FSXP2041-001 FSYN3145-D013 FSKS3020-002 QLD0144-001 P3-3 Block No.M1MM Parts name Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 1 FINDER ASS'Y MECHA BKT(L) PUSH BUTTON(L) NAME PLATE LENS CASE LCD Packing Parts list A ltem P4 P6 Parts number KS-F550RE FSPE3004-080 The final page KS-F500EE FSPE3004-087 QPA01003003 Block No.M3MM Parts name Q'ty 1 1 CARTON POLY BAG (FOR POWER CORD) Accessories list A ltem A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 Parts number KS-F550RE FSUN3109-311 FSUN3109-321 FSUN3109-T211 FSUN3109-T451 FSUN3109-T481 The final page KS-F500EE FSUN3145-941 FSUN3145-T941 Block No.M4MM Parts name Q'ty 1 1 1 1 1 INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTALL MANUAL INSTALL MANUAL INSTALL MANUAL Electrical parts list(Main board) A ltem C 6 C 7 C 17 C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C710 C713 C761 C762 C763 C764 C765 C766 C767 C901 D 6 D701 IC701 IC761 L711 Q 3 Parts number KS-F550RE NCB21EK-563X NCB21EK-123X NCS21HJ-151X NCB21HK-331X NCB21HK-103X NCB21EK-472X NCB21EK-104X QERF1HM-474Z NCS21HJ-121X NCB21EK-223X NCS21HJ-561X QERF1HM-225Z NDC21HJ-820X NDC21HJ-470X QERF1CM-476Z NCB21HK-103X NCB21EK-104X MTZJ9.1C-T2 MA152WK-X UPD178018AGC552 SAA6579T-X 2SC2412K/R/-X KS-F500EE NCB11CK-225X NCS21HJ-102X NCB21CK-224X P3-10 Block No.01 Parts name C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR E CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR E CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR E CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR C CAPACITOR Z DIODE SI DIODE IC IC INDUCTOR TRANSISTOR NCS21HJ-121X NCB11CK-225X UPD178016AGC566 QQL231K-101Y A ltem Q 4 Q 7 Q 10 Q301 Q302 Q303 Q952 R 3 R 9 R 10 R 12 R 14 R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R743 R761 R762 R763 R790 R791 R792 R977 TU 1 X761 Parts number KS-F550RE DTA114EKA-X 2SC3661-X 2SC3661-X 2SD601A/R/-X 2SD601A/R/-X DTC114EKA-X NRSA02J-472X NRSA02J-102X NRSA02J-392X NRSA02J-102X NRS181J-471X NRSA02J-473X NRSA02J-473X NRSA02J-103X NRSA02J-222X NRSA02J-153X NRSA02J-471X NRSA02J-103X NRSA02J-473X NRSA02J-103X NRSA02J-222X NRSA02J-222X NRSA02J-222X KS-F500EE 2SC2412K/R/-X 2S

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