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Kikon l10 free download

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Disassembly/Repair of the Nikon Coolpix L10 Camera as originally presented on "Do it Yourself Digital Camera Repair" The following outlines the steps to dissect the Nikon L10. They were developed by personal disassembly of the camera, and are not recognized or authorized by Nikon. Follow these procedures at your own risk. These procedures should only be considered as a last resort on a broken camera with an expired warranty. I take no responsibility should you damage your camera in following these steps. Also note that there is some danger of electrical shock from the camera's flash capacitor. I also take no responsibility if you zap yourself while following these procedures. Finally, I realize that some of these steps sound like they're written by the Anal Retentive Chef from SNL, but recommend strict organization of all the numerous little parts. That is if you wish successful reassembly of the camera. Step 1: Remove the seven outer case screws on the left (2), bottom (3), and right (2) side of the camera. Store the screws in a sandwich bag labeled Step 1. Step 2: Pry open the case from its bottom left side. There will be a little resistance. Just use a butter knife at the bottom left (screen side) edge to pry it open. Note how/where the AV cover attaches to the case. Store the back casing in a separate sandwich bag labeled Step 2. Step 2 Back Casing AV Cover Step 3: Remove the single small screw on the silver lanyard connector. Store the screw with the AV cover in a separate sandwich bag labeled step 3. Step 3 Lanyard Screw Step 4: Loosen the center electronics assembly from the front case by prying with a small screwdriver along the gray plastic on the left side of the camera. Step 4 Step 5: Remove the center electronics assembly from the front case by lifting it up and out from its bottom. Store the front case in a sandwich bag labeled step 5. Step 5 Now take time to examine the electronics assembly. Note the front face with the battery compartment, lens assembly (note that mine is crooked/damaged), autofocus illuminator, and flash assembly. Especially take note of the large green flash capacitor. DO NOT short the terminals of the capacitor to discharge it as you will damage it. Instead recommend slowly draining the capacitor of electricity by applying a voltmeter or some other resistive load until its voltage is discharged (see Step 6b). Step 6a: Now examine the top face of the assembly. Note the tape, and the three exposed screws. Remove and temporarily store these three screws. Step 6a Screw 1 Screw 2 Screw 3 Step 6b: Now peel back the center portion of the tape. You may have to tear a portion of the tape. You'll see two electrical contact points labeled C4+ and C4-. Use these to discharge the capacitor. You'll also notice a single screw that attaches the flash bulb to the camera. Leave this screw alone as it is unrelated to the disassembly of the camera. Reattach the tape. Step 6b C4+ C4- St

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