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Model:PJ34063 🔎
Descr:DC-to-DC converter controler
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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PJ34063 DC-To-DC Converter Controller T he PJ34063 Series is a monlthic control circuit containing the primary functions required for DC to of an internal limit This in Pin : 1. Switch Collector 3. Timing Capacitor 5. Comparator Inverting Input 7. IPK Sense 2. Switch Emitter 4. Gnd 6. Vcc 8. Driver Collector DIP-8 SOP-8 DC onverters. These devices consist duty cycle oscillator with an circuit, drive and a series step-up, with a active current high current output switch. was specifically designed to be incorporated step-down and voltage-inverting applications minimum number of external components. temperature compensated reference,comparator,controlled. FEATURES · · · Operation from 3 to 40V input Low standby current Current limiting Output switch current to 1.5A Precision 2% reference Output - voltage adjustable Frequency of operation from 100Hz to 100KHz PJ34063CD PJ34063CS Device Operating temperature (Ambient) -20+85 DIP-8 SOP-8 Packagge ORDERING INFORMATION · · · · BLOCK DIAGRAM 1-8 2002.ver.A PJ34063 DC-To-DC Converter Controller ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Characteristic Power Supply Voltage Comparator Input Voltage Range Switch Collector Voltage Switch Emitter Voltage Switch Collector to Emitter Voltage Driver Collector Voltage Drive Collector Current (Note 1) Switch Current Operating Junction Temperature Operating Ambient Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Symbol VCC VIR VC(SW) VE(SW) VCE(SW) VC(drive) IC(drive) Isw TJ TA Tstg Value 40 -0.3 ~ +40 40 40 40 40 100 1.5 0 to +125 -20 to +85 -25 to +150 Unit Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc Vdc mA A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5.0V. Ta= Tlow to Thigh. unless otherwise specified) Characteristic OSCILLATOR Frequency Charging Current Discharge Current Discharge To Charge Current Ratio Current Limit Sense Voltage OUTPUT SWITCH(NOTE 2) Saturation Voltage , Darlington Connection Saturation Voltage , Darlington Connection DC Current Gain Collector Off- State Current COMPARATOR Threshold Voltage Threshold Voltage Line Regulation Input Bias Current TOTAL DEVICE Supply Current Symbol fosc Ichg Idischg Idischg/Ichg VIPK(sense) VCE(sat) VCE(sat) hFE IC(off) VTH Regline IIB ICC Test Condition VPIN5=0V, CT=1.0nF , TA=25 VCC=5 to 40V, TA=25 VCC=5 to 40V, TA=25 Pin7 to VCC , TA=25 Ichg = Idischg, TA=25 Isw=1.0A, Pins1,8 connected Isw=1.0A, RPIN8=82 to Vcc, Forced 20 Isw=1.0A, VCE = 5.0V, TA=25 VCE =40V TA=25 VCC = 3 to 40V VIN=0V Min 24 24 140 5.2 250 50 1.23 Typ 33 35 220 6.5 300 1.0 0.45 75 40 1.25 1.4 -20 Max 42 42 260 7.5 350 1.3 0.7 100 1.27 5.0 -400 Unit KHz A A mV V V A V mV nA VCC=5 to 40V, CT=1.0nF, 4.0 mA Pin7=Vcc ,VPIN 5>Vth Pin 2 =GND, remaining pins open Notes : 1.Maximum package power dissipation limits must be observed. 2.Low duty cycle pulse techniques are used during test to maintain junction temperature as close to ambient temperature as possible. 2-8 2002.ver.A PJ34063 DC-To-DC Converter Controller FIGURE 1.OUTPUT SWITCH ON-OFF TIME versus OSCILLATOR TIMING C

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