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Now downloading free:Tech21 NYC Sansamp Character series BLONDE

Tech21 NYC Sansamp Character series BLONDE free download

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File name:Sansamp Character Series BLONDE rev1.pdf
[preview Sansamp Character series BLONDE]
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Mfg:Tech21 NYC
Model:Sansamp Character series BLONDE 🔎
Descr:Sansamp Character series BLONDE
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name Sansamp Character Series BLONDE rev1.pdf

SW1 +9V X D3 D4 Y IC 1 & 3 = TLC2264 IC2 = TLC2262 IC4: HEF4013B Rev. 2: FINAL ( Aug. 23, 2009) by DimebuGG / mxrmxr R206 100K C101 22n C105 2.2uF + R209 10K +9V R207 10K R208 10K + R205 22K R204 10K CHARACTER B-100K D G S V Q2 VR4 C5 22n R200 2.2K Q1 ZD2 4V7 R201 1M R202 1M R203 1M DRIVE C10 R210 10K C100 47uF MID B-1OOK R11 3.3K B-1OOK C102 22K 3.3K C6 47n R4 C103 R5 47n C104 VR5 47n C13 + status LED 2.2uF U Y X R22 3.3K C21 10n VR3 R24 3.3K 22n R12 C1 (EMPTY) 3.3K 47n R6 R20 R16 10K 100K C12 C15 2.2n C18 C20 10n O ohm (EMPTY) J1 C2 47n 1K R9 E2 1K C MB R23 100K E1 1n C4 3 2 7 C BR 10n J2 IC1c C19 +9V R3 22K 120p R8 + C9 2.2uF R100 R17 33K R18 33K IC1d O ohm LEVEL B-1OOK 100K R15 33K 120p C17 1uF (EMPTY) IN D1 Cin 22n R1 10K + C3 IC1a 2.2uF R19 10K IC3a 120p E3 R21 100K IC3b R7 100K IC1b Not used VR2 R10 10K IC2a C16 C14 470p + 1n E4 (EMPTY) (EMPTY) C22 1uF 220K R102 R14 47K D2 R2 1M Vref E5 Vref Vref LOW Vref + 4 C7 Vref 47uF + B-1OOK C23 100n R101 R106 1 R13 100K R31 3.3K R25 VR1 3.3K 220K R105 220K R103 C27 Vref BATT R37 +9V 5 8 100K Not used IC2b C11 +9V 120p C24 - 10nf + 680 +9V OUT 47n R30 R29 R34 C29 2.2uF D6 IC3d 1M 100K R38 R35 C8 47uF ZD1 10K C31 220uF Vref R26 Q3 R32 1K IC3c 1M + 1K R104 680 DC IN R39 470R Not used 2 + + C30 10V 1 Vref 3.3V 3.3V 100K R33 R36 10K + C32 220uF 3 Q100(SOT-23) 6 Vref D7 D5 C28 C25 R40 470R R211 1M CH34-4 Sansamp BLONDE Thanks to mxrmxr, JiM, estragon V U 22n R27 3.3K R28 3.3K VR6 C26 4.7n HIGH Vref B-1OOK Vref E6 1n (EMPTY)

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