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Bryston 4B free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:Bryston 4B R2a sch.pdf
[preview 4B]
Size:402 kB
Model:4B 🔎
Descr:4B amplifier
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name Bryston 4B R2a sch.pdf

100N CG RG A C .1u T PRO ONLY R23 INPUT AMPS AND MODE SELECT AND GAIN REV 1B JULY 9, 02 ADDED R60A TO MAIN BOARD REV 1A JUNE 24, 02 CHANGED R16, 33, 34 + 36 TO 301R ECO 616 INPUT - MAIN - POWER AMP 4B-SST-SCH-2A AUG 5, 04 4B SST SCHEMATIC ST 2A Page 1 of 2 +30 A +30 B RLY+ BREAKER MA2 120V-8A 120V-7A 230V-5A NC NO + 4B SST SCHEMATIC SOFT START + LED SST-SSB-SCH-6 OCT 12, 04 3 Page 2 of 2 + 22u + -30 B -30 A +15 -15 +

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User ratings and reviews for this file:

28-04-2012ea_bates6The file is fine. BUT, I searched for a SERVICE MANUAL, NOT for a schematic for a Bryston 4B. Schematics tell NOTHING about measuring and setting bias points or about calibration. Search engine is USELESS if it makes THIS mistake!

Average rating for this file: 6.00 ( from 1 votes)

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