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1 2 REV Eng A B C D E F Date: Revision Description ECN# INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION A A B B *Company Proprietary Information* Note: All thru hole Resistors are 1/4 Watt unless otherwise indicated. All SMT 1206 Resistors are 1/4 Watt. All SMT 0805 Resistors are 1/10 Watt. Note Capacitor Values are indicated as Follows: val P = pF (picoFarads) val * 10 exp-12 val N = nF (nanoFarads) val * 10 exp-9 (1N=1000pF, 100N=0.1uF) val U = uF (microFarads) val * 10 exp-6 Copyright Peavey Electronics Corporation 2008. Patents: Product: Title: Peavey Electronics Corp. P. O. Box 2898 Meridian, MS 39301 XR8600D Project Number: Eng: J. Hartman Release Date: of 12 Saved: 3-18-2009_9:11 C 1 2 Sheet 1 1 2 +16V NC 5 S1 PP2P2T 4 6 NC NC C81 8 +V 100N 50V U1 4565 4 -V C82 CGND 100N 50V 1SIG J2 C6 T TS RS R S NC NC + C5 47U + 47U 35 R21 35 -16V 3 + - U3 1 R256 MON 22.1K 2 4565 10K R435 R109 39.2K +16V R24 22.1K V_NIN R110 39.2K 1.65K C37 C9 39P 50V PHANTOM A R130 R59 13.7K R129 3.32K L R60 13.7K 50K CW B 47U 35 A 3.32K VR3 W 3 MONITOR J1 1 4 3 XLR3FV 2 C65 + 47U 50 + - U1 1 R409 MONGND 2 4565 100 C66 + 47U 50 C49 Q1 2SC1740S C73 C7 R153 4.99K 120N 50V B 1SIG2 Q2 2SC1740S 39P 50V R57 13.7K R58 13.7K D50 C61 100P 50V PAD 2 D33 S1 1 + 47U 35 R22 22.1K 3 + - U2 1 2 4565 C10 + 47U 35 R170 6.81K 50K CW L R169 6.81K C11 + 47U 35 R257 1-7BUS 1N4148 C77 + 6.3 R105 221 NC PP2P2T 3 1N4148 R89 R436 1.65K R23 22.1K LOW EQW VR4 10K R238 8.2K C39 39P 2 50V PHANTOM 470U 10K C38 C8 R74 39P 50V R171 VR6 W CW L C1 1.8N 50V EFX 1 EFX R73 R81 1.1K 1N 50V - U4 R266 10K C53 C54 1N 50V R82 1.1K R154 4.99K 6.81K 3 4565 VR2 W CW 6.81K -16V 6.81K 50K L 1 2 3 4 CW B + 47U 35 HIGH EQ R172 C33 68N 50V 50K B L 50K B P1 P2 CGND CH2 1 2 3 4 VR1 W GAIN GND2 CH2M GND1 C105 22N 50V R267 10K R97 1.5K R410 1-7GND 6.81K 100 WPCB4X2 WPCB4X2 CGND R412 W L VR5 CW EFXGND R98 1.5K 100 R327 0 GND1 GND0 10K B MID EQ +15V D2 +15V CLIP R27 22.1K D34 1N4148 2 3 RED R26 1SIG - U5 R2 1 D41 1N4148 R1 3.3K 3.3K 22.1K 4565 D42 SIGNAL GRN 1SIG 1SIG2 + R414 100 B -15V C109 2.2U 50V 1N4148 D49 D1 1N4148 R25 22.1K R9 1MEG Q9 MMBTA13LTI C91 100N 50V R177 150K B GND-LED GND-LED +15V C86 100N 50V C85 100N 50V C84 100N 50V C83 100N 50V 8 +V 8 +V 8 +V 8 +V U2 4565 4 -V U3 4565 4 -V U4 4565 4 -V U5 4565 4 -V GND1 C87 100N 50V C88 100N 50V C89 100N 50V C90 100N 50V VR1 50K BL BR VR2 50K BL BR VR3 50K BL BR VR4 50K BL BR VR5 10K BL BR VR6 50K BL BR Title: Peavey Electronics Corp. P. O. Box 2898 Meridian, MS 39301 -15V GND1 Sheet Title: XR8600D CHANNEL 1 of 12 Date: 3-18-2009_9:11 C 1 2 Sheet 2 1 2 S2 NC 5 4 6 NC NC PP2P2T 2SIG J4 T TS RS R S C15 + NC NC R30 22.1K 5 + - U3 7 R284 MON C12 47U + 47U 35 35 6 4565 10K R445 R112 39.2K +16V R29 22.1K V_NIN R111 39.2K 1.65K C41 C18 39P 50V PHANTOM A R132 R64 13.7K R131 3.32

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