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Basic copier for Service Master Basic copier for Service Master Last Modified: 10/07/2001 Ricoh Europe B.V. Technical Tr aining Centr e m Ricoh Europe B.V. Technical Training Centre 1 Basic copier for Service Master Short Description This basic copier module is the starting point for a new employee, to start his career as a service technician. The module contains the basic technologies that used in the copy process for analog and digital copiers. Ricoh Europe B.V. Technical Training Centre 2 Basic copier for Service Master Objectives After com pletion of this training a serv ice technician: Is familiar with the user feature s of a copier Understand the copiers jargon/terminology Ha s a good understanding about the basic technologies of a copier Can do installation, including options can print a SMC sheet can determine the firmware version can do a firmware upgrade Can do maintenance Can do troubleshooting Can do adjustments Can report to the product specialist Knows how to u se a Service Manual Can follow product training for engines Ricoh Europe B.V. Technical Training Centre 3 Basic copier for Service Master Course Overview 1. Copy paper 2. Copier 3. User Training 4. Options / Installation 5. Advanced copier technology 6. Service 7. Information Flow 8. Specifications This training module tells about the copy process. First, it is important to know what a user can do with a copier. After this, the module gives an answer on what happens inside that copy machine. From scanning the original, it says how the toner particles come onto the right location on the copy and why the toner sticks to the paper. What is the difference between an analog and a digital copier? It also describes the paper path trough the machine. Besides knowing how the copier works, the engineer must know what to do at the customers. With help of some tools and manuals, he must be able to keep the copier running, with good copy quality. Copiers need maintenance after a periodic number of copies, just like cars after some kilometers. If the copy quality is bad, you might adjust the machine. If the machine is broken, you might repair it. Ricoh Europe B.V. Technical Training Centre 4 Basic copier for Service Master Requirements Computer based training: Windows PC Or Macintosh Hands on: Digital black and white copier, ADF/ARDF, Finisher Training materials Computer based training: Windows PC: Intel 486 processor, minimum 66 MHz (Intel Pentium-processor recommended) Windows 95/98/NT Double-speed CD ROM or better Minimum 16 Mb of free RAM Color display recommended Soundcard recommended Macintosh: Power Macintosh recommended Mac OS 7.6 or higher (previous Mac OS needs the thread manager) Double speed CD ROM or better Minimum 16 Mb of free RAM Color display recommended Hands on: Later in this training module we need this requirements to do

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