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Now downloading free:Fuji Electric Corp. of America 2SK2642-01MR

Fuji Electric Corp. of America 2SK2642-01MR free download

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Mfg:Fuji Electric Corp. of America
Model:2SK2642-01MR 🔎 2SK264201MR
Descr:2SK2642. FUJI POWER MOS-FET. thanks to
Group:Electronics > Components > Transistors
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2SK2642-01MR N-CHANNEL SILICON POWER MOS-FET Features High speed switching Low on-resistance No secondary breakdown Low driving power High voltage VGS=±35V Guarantee Avalanche-proof FUJI POWER MOS-FET TO-220F15 2.54 Applications Switching regulators UPS DC-DC converters General purpose power amplifier 3. Source Equivalent circuit schematic Drain(D) Maximum ratings and characteristicAbsolute maximum ratings (Tc=25°C unless otherwise specified) Item Drain-source voltage Continuous drain current Pulsed drain current Gate-source voltage Maximum Avalanche Energy Max. power dissipation Operating and storage temperature range Symbol V DS ID ID(puls] VGS EAV *1 PD Tch Tstg Rating 500 ±15 ±60 ±35 88.7 50 +150 -55 to +150 Unit V A A V mJ W °C °C Gate(G) Source(S) *1 L=0.72mH, Vcc=50V Electrical characteristics (Tc =25°C unless otherwise specified) Item Drain-source breakdown voltaget Gate threshold voltage Zero gate voltage drain current Gate-source leakage current Drain-source on-state resistance Forward transcondutance Input capacitance Output capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance Turn-on time ton Turn-off time toff Avalanche capability Diode forward on-voltage Reverse recovery time Reverse recovery charge Symbol V(BR)DSS VGS(th) IDSS IGSS RDS(on) gfs Ciss Coss Crss td(on) tr td(off) tf IAV V SD trr Qrr Test Conditions ID=1mA VGS=0V ID=1mA VDS=VGS VDS=500V VGS=0V VGS=±35V VDS=0V ID=7.5A VGS=10V ID=7.5A VDS=25V VDS =25V VGS=0V f=1MHz VCC=300V ID=15A VGS=10V RGS=10 L=100µH Tch=25°C IF=2xID VGS=0V Tch=25°C IF=ID VGS=0V -di/dt=100A/µs Tch=25°C 15 1.1 500 8.0 1.65 Tch=25°C Tch=125°C Min. 500 3.5 Typ. Max. Units V V µA mA nA S pF 4.5 4.0 4.5 10 500 0.2 1.0 10 100 0.44 0.55 9.0 1400 2100 250 380 110 170 30 50 110 170 90 140 55 90 ns A V ns µC Thermalcharacteristics Item Thermal resistance Symbol Rth(ch-c) Rth(ch-a) Test Conditions channel to case channel to ambient Min. Typ. Max. 2.50 62.5 Units °C/W °C/W 1 FUJI POWER MOSFET Characteristics Typical output characteristics ID=f(VDS):80µs pulse test,Tc=25 C 40 VGS=20V 35 10V 30 8V 25 1.5 2.0 o 2SK2642-01MR Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on)=f(Tch):ID=7.5A,VGS=10V RDS(on) [ ] ID [A] 20 7V 15 6.5V 1.0 max. typ. 10 0.5 6V 5 5.5V 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5V 35 0.0 -50 0 50 100 150 o VDS [V] Tch [ C] Typical transfer characteristic ID=f(VGS):80µs pulse test,VDS=25V,Tch=25 C o Typical drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on)=f(ID):80 µs pulse test, Tc=25 C 4.0 VGS= 5V 3.5 5.5V 6V 6.5V 7V o 10 1 3.0 2.5 10 0 RDS(on) [ ] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ID [A] 2.0 1.5 10 -1 1.0 0.5 10 -2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 VGS [ V ] ID [ A ] Typical forward transconductance gfs=f(ID):80 µs pulse test,VDS=25V,Tch=25 C o Gate threshold voltage VGS(th)=f(Tch):ID=1mA,VDS=VGS 6.0 5.0 10 1 max. 4.0 typ. min. 3.0 10 0 VGS(th) [V] gfs [s] 2.0 1.0 10 10-1 -1 0.0 10 0 10 1 -50 0 50 100 o 150 ID [A] Tch [ C ] 2 FUJI POWER MOSFET Typical capacitances C=f(VDS):VGS=0V,f=1MHz 10n

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